Yuri Lotman
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Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman (Ю́рий Миха́йлович Ло́тман, Estonian: Juri Lotman; 28 February 1922 – 28 October 1993) was a literary scholar, semiotician, and cultural historian, who worked at the University of Tartu. He was a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. He was the founder of the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School and is considered to be the first Soviet structuralist.
- Stati po tipologii kultury, Tartu: Tartuskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 1970, 105 pp. (Russian)
- Studii de tipologie a culturii, trans. Radu Nicolau, intro. Mihai Pop, Bucharest: Univers, 1974. (Romanian)
- Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture, trans. Ann Shukman, intro. Umberto Eco, Indiana University Press, 1990, xiii+288 pp, PDF, IA, ARG. (English)
- La Sémiosphère, Paris: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 1999. (French)
- Struktura khudozhestvennogo teksta, intro Thomas G. Winner, Providence: Brown University Press, 1971. (Russian)
- The Structure of the Artistic Text, trans. Ronald Vroon, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1977, 300 pp, DJV. (English)
- Die Struktur literarischer Texte, trans. Rolf-Dietrich Keil, München: Fink, 1969. Excerpts (German)
- Analiz poeticheskogo teksta. Struktura stikha [Анализ поэтического текста. Структура стиха Текст], Leningrad: Prosveshchenie [Просвещение], 1972, 271 pp. (Russian)
- La struttura del testo poetico, ed. Eridano Bazzarelli, Milan: Mursia, 1972. (Italian)
- Analysis of the Poetic Text, trans. D. Barton Johnson, Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1976, 309 pp. (English)
- Семиотика кино и проблемы киноэстетики, 1973. (Russian)
- Semiotics of Cinema, trans. Mark Suino, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1976. (English)
- Introduzione alla semiotica del cinema, editor Pietro Montani, Rome: Officina, 1979. (Italian)
- École de Tartu, Travaux sur les systèmes de signes, textes choisis et présentés par Y. M. Lotman et B. A. Ouspenski, trans. Anne Zouboff, Bruxelles: Complexe, 1976, 254 p. (French)
- В школе поэтического слова: Пушкин, Лермонтов, Гоголь [In the school of a poetic word: Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol], Moscow: Prosveshcheniye [Просвещение], 1988. (Russian)
- Kultura i vzryv [Культура и взрыв], Moscow: Progress [Прогресс], 1992, 272 pp. [1]. Review: Deltcheva & Vlasov (SEEJ, EN). (Russian)
- L'Explosion de la culture, Paris: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2004. (French)
- Cultură şi explozie, trans. George Gheţu and Justina Bandol; intro. Livia Cotorcea, Piteşti: Paralela 45, 2004. (Romanian)
- Culture and Explosion, trans. Wilma Clark, ed. Marina Grishakova, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009, ARG. (English)
- Беседы о русской культуре. Быт и традиции русского дворянства (XVIII - нач. XIX в.),St. Petersburg: Iskusstvo-SPB [Искусство-СПб], 1994, ARG. (Russian)
- O poetakh i poezii. Analiz poeticheskogo teksta. Stati i issledovaniya. Zametki. Retsenzii. Vystupleniya [О поэтах и поэзии. Анализ поэтического текста. Статьи и исследования. Заметки. Рецензии. Выступления], St. Petersburg: Iskusstvo-SPB [Искусство-СПб], 1996, 848 pp, ARG. (Russian)
- with Elena Anatolevna Pogosyan [Елена Анатольевна Погосян], Velikosvetskiye obedy, St. Petersburg [Спб.]: Pushkinskiy fond [Пушкинский фонд], 1996, 2nd edition, 2016, 318 pp. [2] (Russian)
- High Society Dinners, trans. Marian Schwartz, intro Darra Goldstein, Prospect Books, 2004, 400 pp. (English)
- Suurilma Lõunasöögid: pealinnaelu panoraamid 19, trans. Veronika Einberg, [Tallinn]: Tänapäev, 2015, 359 pp. [3] (Estonian)
- Non-Memoirs, trans. & annot. Caroline Lemak Brickman, ed. Evgenii Bershtein, afterw. Caroline Lemak Brickman and Evgenii Bershtein, Dalkey Archive Press, 2014. (English)
- "O razgranichenii lingvisticheskogo i literaturovedcheskogo ponyatiya struktury" [О разграничении лингвистического и литературоведческого понятия структуры], Voprosy jazykoznanija [Вопросы языкознания] 4, 1963, pp 44-52. (Russian)
- "Tezisy k probleme 'Iskusstvo v ryadu modeliruyushchikh sistem'" [Тезисы к проблеме 'Искусство в ряду моделирующих систем'], Trudy po znakovym sistemam [Труды по знаковым системам] 3, Tartu, 1967, pp 130–145. (Russian)
- "Problema 'obucheniya kulture' kak ee tipologicheskaya kharakteristika" [Проблема 'обучения культуре' как ее типологическая характеристика], Trudy po znakovym sistemam [Труды по знаковым системам] 5, Tartu, 1971, pp 167–176. (Russian)
- "Culture as Collective Intellect and the Problems of Artificial Intelligence", trans. Ann Shukman, in Dramatic Structure: Poetic and Cognitive Semantics, eds. Lawrence Michael O'Toole and Ann Shukman, Oxford: Holdan Books, 1979, pp 84-96. (English)
- V chest 70-letiya professora Yu.M. Lotmana. Sbornik statey [В честь 70-летия профессора Ю.М. Лотмана], Tartu: Eydos (ЭЙДОС), 1992. (Russian)
- Yu.M. Lotman i tartusko-moskovskaya semioticheskaya shkola [Ю.М. Лотман и тартуско-московская семиотическая школа], ed. A.D. Koshelev (А.Д. Кошелев), Moscow: Gnozis, 1994. (Russian)
- Moskovsko-tartuskaya semioticheskaya shkola. Istoriya, vospominaniya, razmyshleniya [Московско-тартуская семиотическая школа. История, воспоминания, размышления], ed. S.Yu. Neklyudov (С.Ю. Неклюдов), Moscow, 1998. (Russian)
- David M. Bethea, "Iurii Lotman in the 1980s: The Code and Its Relation to Literary Biography", in Reconstructing the Canon: Russian Writing in the 1980s, ed. Arnold McMillin, Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000, pp 9-32. (English)
- Edna Andrews, Conversations with Lotman: Cultural Semiotics in Language, Literature, and Cognition, University of Toronto Press, 2003. [4] (English)
- Caryl Emerson, "Jurij Lotman’s Last Book and Filiations with Baxtin", Die Welt der Slaven 48, 2003, pp 201-216. (English)
- Andreas Schönle (ed.), Lotman and Cultural Studies: Encounters and Extensions, University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, ARG. (English)
- Jelena Pogosjan [Елена Анатольевна Погосян], "Yuri Lotman’s Unwritten Article: Pushkin and Homosexuality", International Congress “Cultural Polyglotism.” To the 90th Anniversary of Yuri Lotman, Tallinn, February 25–27, 2012. [5]