Tiziana Terranova

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Tiziana Terranova lectures and research the digital media cultures and politics in the Department of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Naples, 'L'Orientale'. She is the author of Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age (Pluto Press, 2004) and Hypersocial (University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming). She is a member of the free university network Euronomade and of the Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative.



  • Corpi nella rete, interfacce multiple, cyberfemminismo e agorà telematiche, Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1996, 77 pp. (Italian)
  • After the Internet: Digital Networks between Capital and the Common, South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e), 2022, 216 pp. Collection of essays written between the mid-2000s and the late 2010s. [1]
    • Μετά το ίντερνετ, trans. Γιώργος Προδρόμου, Topovoros Publications (Εκδόσεις Τοποβόρος), 2023, 224 pp. Publisher. (Greek)
    • Dopo Internet, trans. Beatrice Ferrara, Rome: NERO, 2024, 156 pp. Publisher. (Italian)

Journal issues[edit]

  • with Iain Chambers, Anglistica AION 18(2): "Inflections of Technoculture: Biodigital Media, Postcolonial Theory and Feminism", 2014. Introduction. [3]

Papers, book chapters (selection)[edit]

  • "Red Stack Attack! Algorithms, Capital and the Automation of the Common", in across & beyond: A transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions, eds. Ryan Bishop, Kristoffer Gansing, Jussi Parikka, and Elvia Wilk, Berlin: Sternberg & Transmediale, 2017.
