Tiziana Terranova
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Tiziana Terranova lectures and research the digital media cultures and politics in the Department of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Naples, 'L'Orientale'. She is the author of Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age (Pluto Press, 2004) and Hypersocial (University of Minnesota Press, forthcoming). She is a member of the free university network Euronomade and of the Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative.
- Corpi nella rete, interfacce multiple, cyberfemminismo e agorà telematiche, Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1996, 77 pp. (Italian)
- Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age, London: Pluto Press, 2004, vii+184 pp.
- Cultura network: per una micropolitica dell'informazione, Rome: Manifestolibri, 2006. (Italian)
- After the Internet: Digital Networks between Capital and the Common, South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e), 2022, 216 pp. Collection of essays written between the mid-2000s and the late 2010s. [1]
Journal issues[edit]
- with Celia Lury and Luciana Parisi, Theory, Culture & Society 29(4-5): "Topologies of Culture", Sage, 342 pp. [2]
- with Iain Chambers, Anglistica AION 18(2): "Inflections of Technoculture: Biodigital Media, Postcolonial Theory and Feminism", 2014. Introduction. [3]
Papers, book chapters (selection)[edit]
- "Free Labor: Producing Culture for the Digital Economy", Social Text 63, 18:2, Summer 2000, pp 33-58.
- "Bedava Emek: Dijital Ekonomide Kültür Üretimi", Folklor/Edebiyat 83:21, Dec 2015, pp 343-363. (Turkish)
- "Failure to Comply: Bioart, Security and the Market", transversal 6, 2007.
- "Bei Nichteinhalten der Regel ... Bio-Art, Sicherheit und Markt", trans. Thomas Waibel, transversal 6, 2007. (German)
- "Falta de obediencia: bioarte, seguridad y mercado", trans. Marta Malo de Molina, transversal 6, 2007. (Spanish)
- with Giorgio Griziotti and Dario Lovaglio, "Netwar 2.0: The Convergence of Streets and Networks", Le Monde diplomatique, 1 Mar 2012.
- "Attention, Economy and the Brain", Culture Machine 13, 2012.
- "Red Stack Attack! Algorithms, Capital and the Automation of the Common", in across & beyond: A transmediale Reader on Post-digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions, eds. Ryan Bishop, Kristoffer Gansing, Jussi Parikka, and Elvia Wilk, Berlin: Sternberg & Transmediale, 2017.
- with Iain Chambers, "Technology, Postcoloniality, and the Mediterranean", e-flux 123: "Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social", Dec 2021.
- with Ravi Sundaram, "Colonial Infrastructures and Techno-social Networks", e-flux 123: "Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social", Dec 2021.