Solomon Marcus
Solomon Marcus (1 March 1925, Bacău – 17 March 2016, Bucharest) was a Romanian mathematician, member of the Mathematical Section of the Romanian Academy since 2001) and Emeritus Professor of the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Mathematics. He is recognised as one of the initiators of mathematical linguistics and of mathematical poetics. His main research is in the fields of mathematical analysis, mathematical and computational linguistics and computer science, but he also published numerous papers on various topics in the humanities: poetics, linguistics, semiotics, philosophy and history of science and education.
Born 1 March 1925, Bacău, Romania. Elementary school and high school in Bacău, Romania. First classified at "Bacalaureat" (school-leaving examination) 1944. Faculty of Science, Mathematics, University of Bucharest, 1945-1949, Diploma of Merit; Assistant professor 1950, Lecturer 1955; Associate Professor 1964, Professor 1966, Professor Emeritus 1991 Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania. PhD in Mathematics 1956 (Monotonous functions of two variables), State Doctor in Sciences 1968, University of Bucharest, Romania, Corresponding Member of Romanian Academy, April 1993; Full Member of the Romanian Academy (Academician), December 2001. Research and teaching in the fields of mathematical analysis, theoretical computer science, measure theory, general topology, linguistics, history and philosophy of mathematics, poetics, semiotics, applications of mathematics to natural and social sciences. [1]
(in Romanian unless noted otherwise)
- Lingvistica matematică. Modele matematice în lingvistică, Bucharest: Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1963; 2nd ed., 1966, 220 pp.
- Algebraicke modely jazyka, Prague: Academia, 1969, 289 pp. (Czech)
- Gramatici şi automate finite, Bucharest: Academici Republicii Populare Romîne, 1964, 255 pp.
- with Edmond Nicolau and Sorin Stati, Introducere în lingvistica matematică, Bucharest: Editura Ştiinţifică, 1966.
- Noţiuni de analiză matematică, Bucharest: Editura Ştiinţifică, 1967.
- editor, Algebraic Linguistics; Analytical Models, New York and London: Academic Press, 1967, PDF. (English)
- Teoretiko-mnozestvennye modeli jazykov, Moscow: Nauka, 1970 (Russian)
- with Al. Boboc, Gh Enescu, C. Popa and S. Stati, Limbaj, logică, filozofie, Bucharest: Ştiintifică, Bucureşti, 1968, 261 pp.
- Poetica matematică, Bucharest: Academiei, Bucuresti, 1970.
- Mathematische Poetik, Bucharest and Frankfurt am Main: Athenaum Verlag, 1973. (German)
- Matematicka Poetika, Nolit, Belgrad, 1974. (Serbo-Croatian)
- co-author, Semiotica folclorului. Abordare lingvistico-matematica, Bucharest: Academiei, 1975.
- La semiotique formelle du folklore. Approche linguistico-mathematique, Paris: Ed. Klincksieck/ Bucharest: Academiei, 1978. (French)
- Semne despre semne, Bucharest: Stiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1979, 112 pp.
- Snmeia gia ta snmeia, Athena: Pneumatikos, 1981, 119 pp. (Greek)
- with Miron Nicolescu, Opera Matematica, Vol. 1, Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1980, 353 pp.
- editor, Semiotica matematică a artelor vizuale, Bucharest: Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1982.
- with Alexander V. Isačenko, Ján Horecký, Jozef Ružička and László Kálmar, Jazykovy kruzok v Bratislave, Združenie slovenských jazykovedcov, Recueil linguistique de Bratislava, vol. 6, Cercle linguistique de Bratislava, 1982. (Czech)/(French)
- Paradoxul, Bucharest: Albatros, 1984.
- Timpul, Bucharest: Albatros, 1985, 386 pp.
- Provocarea ştiintei, Bucharest: Politică, 1988, PDF.
- Artă şi ştiinţă, Bucharest: Eminescu, 1986, 332 pp.
- Invenţie şi descoperire: eseuri, Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 1989, 295 pp.
- co-author, Dicţionar de Analiză Matematică, Bucharest: Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, 1989.
- Controverse în ştiinţă şi inginerie, Bucharest: Tehnică, 1991, 248 pp.
- Jocul ca libertate, Bucharest: Scripta, 2003, 288 pp.
- Mathematics in Romania, Baia Mare: CUB Press 22, 2004, 84 pp. (English)
- Întâlnirea extremelor: scriitori în orizontul ştiinţei, Piteşti: Paralela 45, 2005, 307 pp.
- Pornind de la un zâmbet, Piteşti: Paralela 45, 2006, 300 pp.
- Words and Languages Everywhere, Monza-Milano: Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher, 2007, 540 pp. (English)
- Răni deschise, 5 vols., Bucharest: Spandugino, 2011-2015.
- Limba română. Între infern şi paradis, Bucharest: Spandugino, 2015, 80 pp.
- Zece nevoi umane, Bucharest: Spandugino, 2015, 137 pp.
- Singuratatea matematicianului, Bucharest: Spandugino, 2015, 89 pp.
- Nevoia de oameni, vol. 1, Bucharest: Spandugino, 2015, 914 pp.
- Marcus at Romanian Wikipedia
- Marcus's page in the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (English)
- Singurătatea matematicianului by Somolon Marcus (Romanian)
- Marcus at Spandugino (Romanian)
- Argespres (Romanian)