Roman Jakobson

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Jakobson, summer 1920, Prague.
Born October 23, 1896(1896-10-23)
Moscow, Russian Empire
Died July 18, 1982(1982-07-18) (aged 85)
Boston, Massachussetts
Lilya Brik, Osip Brik, Jakobson and Mayakovsky in Paris, 1923. [1]
Roman Jakobson 2.jpg

Roman O. Jakobson (Роман Осипович Якобсон, 1896-1982) was a linguist, formalist, and literary theorist.

His work helped to define modern linguistics and gain its recognition as an independent science. He expanded the borders of linguistics to incorporate such areas as phonetics, semantics, poetics, Slavic studies, language acquisition and pathology, and mythology. His main contributions were to establish phonological distinctive features, to define constants and tendencies, variants and invariants, to discover unity in variety, with respect for the individual and unique in language. He drew upon the work of earlier linguists, especially Ferdinand de Saussure and Baudouin de Courtenay. However, his concept of linguistics and his introduction of structural methods were original and influenced linguists all over the world.

A prolific writer, his works include books and articles on linguistic subjects, mythology, and epic poetry and metrics, including works on the Igor' Tale. Known as the father of modern structural linguistics, he elaborated sophisticated theories of language and communication that have had significant effects on such disciplines as anthropology, art criticism, and brain research. [2]

Life and work[edit]


Born in Moscow to Osip Abramovič Jakobson, a prominent industrialist, and Anna Jakovlevna Jakobson, née Volpert. 1914, A.B., Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, Moscow; entered Moscow University. Along with several students of the Historical-Philological Faculty at the university, Jakobson founded the Moscow Linguistic Circle in March, and served as its President until 1920; organized intensive field work in Russian dialectology and folklore during the summer vacations of 1915 and 1916. A.M. 1918. 1918-20, Research Associate at Moscow University. 1920, Professor of orthoepy, Moscow Dramatic School.


10 July 1920, arrived in Prague as translator for the first Soviet Red Cross Mission to Czechoslovakia; remained in Czechoslovakia until the Nazi occupation in 1939, officially becoming a Czech citizen in 1937. 6 October 1926, Prague Linguistic Circle founded with Jakobson as its Vice-President. April 1928, attended the First International Congress of Linguists, The Hague. October 1929, attended the First International Congress of Slavic Philologists, Prague. 1929, began work as head of the East Slavic section (Ostslavisches Referat) of the journal Slavische Rundschau, edited by F. Spina and G. Gesemann and published by Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, from 1929 until 1939. 1930, Ph.D., German University in Prague; dissertation Über den Versbau der serbokroatischen Volksepen. December 1930, attended the International Phonological Conference, Prague, Dec. 18-21.


Late 1931, moved from Prague to Brno. July 1932, attended the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Amsterdam. September 1933, attended the Third International Congress of Linguists, Rome. 1933-34, Assistant Professor, Masaryk University, Brno. 1934-37, Visiting Professor, Masaryk University. 29 April 1935, lectured on "Poetry of the Hussite Period" in the Prague Linguistic Circle. July-August 1935, visited Bulgaria. August-September 1936, attended the Fourth International Congress of Linguists, Copenhagen. 1937-39, Associate Professor of Russian Philology and Old Czech Literature, Masaryk University. 21 March 1938, lectured on the fundamentals of phonological analysis, Prague Linguistic Circle. July 1938, attended the Third International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, University of Ghent. 15 March 1939, abandons Brno after the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia; hides in Prague while awaiting exit visas.


21 April 1939, arrives in Denmark; visiting professor at the University of Copenhagen; works with the Copenhagen Linguistic Circle; leaves Denmark for Norway in early September; visiting professor at the University of Oslo. 1940, following the Nazi invasion of Norway on April 9, flees North, entering Sweden at Särna; visiting professor at the University of Uppsala.

United States

4 June 1941, arrives in the United States at New York harbor. 1942, appointed to the Faculté des Lettres, École Libre des Hautes Études, New York, as Professor of General Linguistics, and to the Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientale et Slave as Professor of Slavic Philology; taught there 1942-1946. 1943-46, Visiting Professor of Linguistics, Columbia University. 1944, founding member of the Linguistic Circle of New York and its journal Word. 1946, appointed to newly formed Thomas G. Masaryk Chair of Czechoslovak Studies, Columbia University, which he occupied until 1949. 1949, appointed Samuel Hazzard Cross Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and of General Linguistics, Harvard University. April 1957, concurrently appointed Visiting Institute Professor, MIT; reappointed Visiting Institute Professor for a six month period beginning July 1958. He continued in his role at MIT until becoming emeritus in 1970, a position held concurrently with his Harvard chair until he became emeritus at Harvard in 1965. [3]


Alexei Kruchenykh, Roman Jakobson (as Aliagrov), Zaumnaya gniga, [1915] 1916, PDF. (Russian)
Roman Jakobson, Morris Halle, Fundamentals of Language, 1956, PDF.
Roman Jakobson, Six Lectures on Sound and Meaning, 1978, PDF.
Roman Jakobson, Selected Writings, Vol. 1: Phonological Studies, 1962, PDF.
Roman Jakobson, Selected Writings, Vol. 2: Word and Language, 1971, PDF.
Roman Jakobson, Selected Writings, Vol. 8: Major Works, 1976-1980, 1988, PDF.
Roman Jakobson, My Futurist Years [1992], 1997, Log.

Books, pamphlets, selected writings[edit]

  • with Alexei Kruchenykh, Zaumnaya gniga [Transrational Boog], Moscow, [1915] 1916, 21 leaves, IA. A collection of zaum poetry. Two poems by Jakobson (pseudynym Aliagrov). With illustrations by Olga Rozanova. Although the cover reads 1916, the work was done in 1914 and appeared in August 1915. (Russian)
  • Noviyshaya russkaya poeziya: Nabrosok pervyi. Viktor Khlebnikov [Новљйшая русская поезия], Prague: Tipografija, 1921, 68 pp. [4] (Russian)
    • "Vivisekce jako nejbližší úkol vědy a umění", Kmen 4 (1920/21), pp 545-546. Partial translation. (Czech)
    • "Problémy poetiky", in Teória literatúry - Výbor z "Formálnej metódy", ed. & trans. Mikuláš Bakoš, Trnava: F.Urbánek, 1941, pp 63-73. Partial translation. (Swedish)
    • "La nouvelle poésie russe", Poétique 2:7 (1971), pp 285-296. Partial translation. (French)
    • "Die neueste russische Poesie. Erster Entwurf. Viktor Chlebnikov", in Texte der russischen Formalisten 2, ed. W.-D.Stempel, Munich: Fink, 1972, pp 18-135. (German)
    • "Modern Russian Poetry: Velimir Khlebnikov", in Major Soviet Writers: Essays in Criticism, ed. E.J.Brown, Oxford University Press, 1973, pp 58-82.
  • O cheshskom stikhe preimushchestvenno v sopostavlenii s russkim [О чешском стихе преимущественно в сопоставлении с русским], Berlin/Moscow: OPOJAZ-MLK, 1923, 120 pp. [5] (Russian)
    • Základy českého verše, Prague: Odeon, 1926, 140 pp. Contains new preface. Cover by Karel Teige. Repr. in Jakobson, Poetická funkce, 1995, pp 157-248. [6] (Czech)
    • "Le vers Tchèque (Fragments)", Change 3 (1969), pp 72-79. Partial translation. (French)
    • Über den tschechischen Vers. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des russischen Verses, Bremen: K-Presse, 1974, 204 pp. (German)
    • Acerca de la poesía checa particularmente en relación con la rusa, trans. Federico Corriente, Córdoba: UCOPress (Editorial Universidad de Córdoba), 2015, 138 pp. (Spanish)
  • with Petr Bogatyrev, Slavyanskaya filologiya v Rossii za gody voyny i revolyutsii [Славянская филология в России за годы войны и революции], Berlin: ОПОЯЗ, 1923, 63 pp; repr., Salamandra, 2015, 50 pp. (Russian)
  • Fonetika odnogo severno-velikorusskogo govora s namechayushcheysya perekhodnostyu [Фонетика одного северно-великорусского говора с намечающейся переходностью], Prague, 1927, 82 pp. Written in 1916, mimeographed. (Russian)
  • Spor duše s tělem: O nebezpečném času smrti, Prague: Ladislav Kunčír, 111 pp, 1927. (Czech)
  • Nejstarší české písně duchovní, Prague: Ladislav Kuncíř, 1929, 48 pp. (Czech)
  • Remarques sur l'evolution phonologique du russe comparée à celle des autres langues slaves, Prague: Jednota československych matematiků a fyziků, 1929, 118 pp; repr., Nendeln: Kraus, 1968, 118 pp. (French)
    • Remarks on the Phonological Evolution of Russian in Comparison with the Other Slavic Languages, trans. Ronald F. Feldstein, MIT Press, 2018, 240 pp. Publisher. (English)
  • with D. Svjatopol'-Mirskij, Smerť Vladimira Majakovskogo, Berlin 1930. With Jakobson's essay "O pokolenii, rastrativšem svoich poetov". (Russian)
    • "Von einer Generation, die ihre Dichter vergeudethat", Slavische Rundschau 2 (1930), pp 481—495. (German)
    • "La génération qui a gaspillé ses poètes", in Questions de poétique, ed. Tzvetan Todorov, Paris: Seuil, 1973, pp 73—101. (French)
    • "On a Generation that Squandered Its Poets", in Major Soviet Writers: Essays in Criticism, ed. E. J. Brown, Oxford University Press, 1973, pp 7—32.
    • El caso Maiakovski, trans. M.ª Angels Margarit, Icaria, 1977, 94 pp. (Spanish)
    • Una generazione che ha dissipato i suoi poeti. Il problema Majakovskij, Edizioni SE, 2004, 79 pp. (Italian)
    • A geração que esbanjou seus poetas, trans. Sonia Regina Martins Gonçalves, Cosac Naify, 2006, 96 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • K charakteristike evraziyskogo yazykovogo soyuza [К характеристике евразийского языкового союза], Paris: Imp. de Navarre, 1931, 58 pp. (Russian)
  • with John Lotz, Axiomatik eines Verssystems am mordwinischen Volkslied dargelegt (Thesen zu einem Vortrag im Ungarischen Institut am ach ten April 1941), Stockholm: Ungerska Institutet, 1941, 7 pp. (German)
  • Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze, Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, and Leipzig: Harrassowitz, 1942, 83 pp. (German)
  • Češství Komenského (Proslov Romana Jakobsona při oslavě Comeniově v École libre des hautes études, New York, 5. prosince 1942.), New York, 1942, 8 pp. (Czech)
  • Moudrost starých Čechů. Odvěké základy národního odboje, New York: Československý kulturní kroužek v New Yorku, 1943, 239 pp; new ed., eds. Tomáš Hermann and Miloš Zelenka, Prague: Ústav pro Soudobé Dějiny AV ČR, and Červený Kostelec: Mervart, 2015, 382 pp. (Czech)
  • with H. Grégoire and M. Szeftel, La Geste du Prince Igor, 1948. (French)
  • Slavic Languages, New York: Columbia University, 1949, 26 pp; repr., 2019, 48 pp.
  • Notes on General Linguistics: Its Present State and Crucial Problems, New York: Rockefeller Foundation, 1949, 48 pp. Mimeographed.
  • with Morris Halle, Fundamentals of Language, The Hague: Mouton, 1956, 87 pp, IA; 2nd ed., rev., 1971, 96 pp.
    • Temelji jezika, trans. Ivan Martinčić and Ante Stamać, ed. Ante Stamać, Zagreb: Globus, 1988, 109 pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • Fundamentos del lenguaje, Ciencia Nueva, 1967; 2nd ed., Ayuso, 1973; 3rd ed., Ayuso & Pluma, 1980. (Spanish)
    • Chapter I. "Phonology and Phonetics".
      • "Fonologija i ee otnošenie k fonetike", in: Novoe v lingvistike 2, Izd-vo Innostrannoj literatury, Moskva 1962, pp. 231—278.
      • "Phonologie et phonétique", in Essais de linguistique générale, trans. Nicolas Ruwet, Paris: Minuit, 1963, pp 103—149. (French)
      • "Fonetica e fonologia", in Saggi di linguistica generale, ed. L. Heilmann, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1966, pp 79—124. (Italian)
      • "Phonologie und Phonetik", in Aufsätze zur Linguistik und Poetik, ed. Wolfgang Raible, Munich: Nymphenburger Verlag, 1974, pp 54—106. (German)
    • Chapter II. "Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Aphasic Disturbances".
      • "Deux aspects du langage et deux types d'aphasies", Les temps modernes 17: 188 (1962), pp 853—880. (French)
      • "Due aspetti del linguaggio e due tipi di afasia", in Saggi di linguistica generale, ed. L. Heilmann, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1966, pp 22—45. (Italian)
      • "Dva aspekty jazyka a dva typy afatických poruch", in Slovesné umění a umělecké slovo, Prague: Československý spisovatel, 1969, pp 51—72. (Czech)
      • "Zwei Seiten der Sprache und zwei Typen aphatischer Störungen", in Aufsätze zur Linguistik und Poetik, ed. Wolfgang Raible, Munich: Nymphenburger Verlag, 1974, pp 117—141. (German)
  • Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb, Harvard University, 1957, 14 pp.
  • Trois conférences données à Bucarest les 3 et 6 oct. 1958, Bucharest: Institut de linguistique de l'Académia de la République Populaire Roumaine, 1959, 93 pp. (French)
  • Studies in Russian Philology, Ann Arbor, 1962, 26 pp. (Russian)
  • Essais de linguistique générale, Tome I: Les fondations du langage, trans. Nicolas Ruwet, Paris: Minuit, 1963. (French)
    • Saggi di linguistica generale, ed. Luigi Heilmann, trans. Luigi Heilmann and Letizia Grassi, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1966, 219 pp; repr., 2002. (Italian)
    • Ippan gengogaku [一般言語学], ed. Shigeo Kawamoto, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1973, 317 pp; repr., 2019. (Japanese)
    • Ensayos de lingüística general, ed. A. Corazón, trans. J. M. Pujol and J. Cabanes, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1975, 406 pp; 2nd Ed., 1981; 3rd Ed., Barcelona: Ariel, 1984. (Spanish)
  • with D. Worth, Sofonija's Tale of the Russian-Tatar Battle on the Kulikovo Field, The Hague: Mouton, 1963, 120 pp.
  • Lingvistika i poetika, eds. M. Ivić and S. Marić, trans. D. Pervac, T. Bekić, V. Vuletić, S. Marić and R. Bugarski, Belgrade: Nolit, 1966, 327 pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
  • Fonema e fonologia, ed. & trans. J. Mattoso Cámara Jr., Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Académica, 1967, 202 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • with John Lotz, Két tanulmány, trans. S. J. Petőfi and G. Szépe, Budapest 1968, 19 pp. (Hungarian)
  • Slovesné umění a umělecké slovo, trans. Miroslav Červenka and Milada Chlíbcová, ed. Miroslav Červenka, intro. Felix Vodička, Prague: Československý spisovatel, 1969, 420 pp; repr. as Studies in Verbal Art. Texts in Czech and Slovak, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1971, 417 pp. (Czech),(Slovak)
  • Le langage enfantin et l´aphasie, trans. Jean-Paul Boons and Radmila Zigouris, Paris: Minuit, 1969, 189 pp; 2nd ed., Paris: Flammarion, 1980. (French)
  • Lingüística, poética, cinema: Roman Jakobson no Brasil, eds. Haroldo de Campos and Boris Schnaiderman, trans. Francisco Achcar, Haroldo de Campos, Claudia Guimarães de Lemos, J. Guinsburg and George Bernard Sperber, São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1970, 208 pp; 2nd ed., 2004. Texts that served as the basis for the lectures given by Jakobson during his visit to Brazil in September 1968. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • with Lawrence G. Jones, Shakespeare's Verbal Art in «Th'Expence of Spirit», The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1970, 33 pp.
  • Essais de linguistique générale 2: Rapports internes et externes du langage, Paris: Minuit, 1973, 320 pp. (French)
  • Questions de poétique, ed. Tzvetan Todorov, Paris: Seuil, 1973, 510 pp; new ed., 1977; repr., Paris: Seuil, 1998, 188 pp. (French)
  • Aspects of the Theories of Roman Jakobson, ed. M. van Ballaer, Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, 1973, 139 pp.
  • Aufsätze zur Linguistik und Poetik, ed. Wolfgang Raible, trans. Regine Kuhn, Georg Friedrich Meier and Randi Agmete Hartner, Munich: Nymphenburger Verlag, 1974, 290 pp; 2nd ed., Frankfurt: Ullstein, 1979. (German)
  • Poetik och lingvistik, ed. K. Aspelin and B. Lundberg. Stockholm: PAN/Nordstedts, 1974, 258 pp. (Swedish)
  • Coup d´oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique, Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Publications, 1975, 21 pp. (French)
  • Puškin and His Sculptural Myth, ed. & trans. J. Burbank, The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1975, 102 pp.
  • Premesse di storia letteraria slava, ed. Lidia Lonzi, trans. L. Lonzi and P. F. Poli, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1975, 360 pp. (Italian)
  • Six leçons sur le son et le sens Paris: Minuit, 1976, 121 pp. (French)
    • Six Lectures on Sound and Meaning, trans. John Mepham, MIT Press, 1978, 116 pp. With a preface by Claude Lévi-Strauss.
    • La linguistica e le scienze dell'uomo: Sei lezioni sul suono e sul senso, Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1978, 126 pp. (Italian)
    • "Znak i značenie", in Izbrannye raboty, ed. V. A. Zvegincev, Moscow: Progress, 1985, pp 30—91. (Russian)
    • Oto to imi ni tsuite no rokusho [音と意味についての六章], trans. Hikaru Hanawa, Tokyo: Misuzushobo, 2017, 165 pp. (Japanese)
  • Hölderlin, Klee, Brecht: Zur Wortkunst dreier Gedichte, ed. & intro. Elmar Holenstein, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1976, 128 pp. (German)
  • Nuevos ensayos de lingüística general, trans. Tomás Segovia, México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1976, 333 pp. (Spanish)
  • Situgosyoo to Gengogaku, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1976, 186 pp. (Japanese)
  • Ensayos de poética, trans. Juan Almela, Mexico/Madrid/Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1977, 261 pp. (Spanish)
  • Semiologia - poética - epistemologia, trans. Maria Clara Machado Grácio, Rio de Janeiro: Espaço, 1978. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • Ogledi iz poetike, eds. M. Komnenic and L. Kojen, Belgrade: Prosveta, 1978, 397 pp. (Serbo-Croatian)
  • Lo sviluppo della semiotica e altri saggi, intro. Umberto Eco, trans. Andrea La Porta, Emilio Picco and Ugo Volli, Milan: Bompiani, 1978, 109 pp; 2nd ed., 1989, 109 pp; new ed., afterw. Nunzio La Fauci, 2020, 191 pp. Trans. of 4 essays. (Italian)
  • Roman Yakobuson sensyu — 2: Gengo to gengo kagaku, ed. S. Hattori, Tokyo: Taishukan, 1978, 260 pp. (Japanese)
  • with Linda R. Waugh, The Sound Shape of Language, Indiana Univ. Press & Harvester Press, 1979, 308 pp; 2nd ed., 1987; 3rd ed., intro. Linda R. Waugh, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2002.
    • La Charpente phonique du langage, trans. A. Kihm. Paris: Minuit, 1980, 338 pp. (French)
    • Die Lautgestalt der Sprache, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1986, 337 pp. (German)
  • Poetik: Ausgewählte Aufsätze 1921—1971, eds. Elmar Holenstein and Tarcisius Schelbert, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1979, 327 pp; repr., 2016. (German)
  • Elementer funktioner og strukturer i sproget: Udvalgte artikler om sprogvidenskab og semiotik, intro. Eli Fischer-Jørgensen, trans. Peter Molbæk Hansen, Copenhagen: Nyt Nordisk, 1979, 325 pp. (Danish)
  • Brain and Language: Cerebral Hemispheres and Linguistic Structure in Mutual Light, Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers, 1980, 48 pp.
  • The Framework of Language, ed. Ladislav Matejka, Ann Arbor: Michigan Studies in the Humanities, 1980, 132 pp.
    • El marco del lenguaje, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1988, 127 pp. (Spanish)
  • A költészet grammatikája, eds. Iván Fónagy and György Szépe, trans. Sándor Albert, Budapest: Gondolat, 1982, 297 pp. (Hungarian)
  • with Hans-Georg Gadamer and Elmar Holenstein, Das Erbe Hegels II, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1984, 149 pp. [16] (German)
  • Une vie dans le langage: Autoportrait d’un savant, trans. Pascal Boyer, pref. Tzvetan Todorov, Paris: Minuit, 1985, 159 pp. [17] Review: Meschonnic. (French)
  • Poetica e poesia. Questioni di teoria e analisi testuali, trans. R. Buzzo Margari, M. Contini, L. Fontana, P. Fossati, Caterina Graziadei and M. Lenzi, Torino: Einaudi, 1985, 432 pp. (Italian)
  • Izbrannye raboty [Избранные работы], ed. V. A. Zvegincev, Moscow: Progress, 1985, 455 pp, DJVU. (Russian)
  • Raboty po poetike [Работы по поэтике], ed. M. L. Gasparov, Moscow: Progress, 1987, 461 pp. [18] (Russian)
  • Semiotik: Ausgewählte Texte 1919—1982, ed. Elmar Holenstein, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1988, 564 pp. Excerpt, [19] (German)
  • Lingvistični in drugi spisi, trans. Drago Bajt, et al., afterw. Rastko Močnik, Ljubljana, 1989; repr., 1996, 283 pp. Selected essays. (Slovenian)
  • Jakobson-budetljanin: sbornik materialov [Якобсон-будетлянин: сборник материалов], ed. Bengt Jangfeldt (Бенгт Янгфельдт), Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1992, 185 pp. Review: Pyman (1993). (Russian)
    • My Futurist Years, trans. Stephen Rudy, ed. Bengt Jangfeldt, New York: Marsilio, 1997, 345 pp. Memoir.
    • Meine futuristischen Jahre, trans. Brigitte van Kann, Berlin: Friedenauer Presse, 1999, 160 pp. [20] (German)
  • Poetická funkce, ed. Miroslav Červenka, trans. Miroslav Červenka, Milada Chlíbcová and Terezie Pokorná, intro. Felix Vodička, Jinočany: H&H, 1995, 747 pp. [21] (Czech)
  • Cyrilometodějské studie (soubor statí z let 1945—1969), ed. Luboš Řeháček, Prague: Euroslavica, 1996, 105 pp. (Czech)
  • Yazyk i bessoznatelnoe: raboty raznykh let [Язык и бессознательное. Работы разных лет], eds. K. Golubovich (К. Голубович) and K. Chukhrukidze (К. Чухрукидзе), Moscow: Gnozis, 1996, 248 pp. (Russian)
  • Teksty, dokumenty, issledovaniya [Тексты, документы, исследования], eds. S.I. Gindin and Henryk Baran, РГГУ, 1999, 920 pp. (Russian)
  • Formalistická škola a dnešní literární věda ruská — Brno 1935, ed. Tomáš Glanc, Prague: Academia, 2005, 322 pp. [22], Review. (Czech)
  • Yakobuson serekushon [ヤコブソン・セレクション], eds. Kuwano Takashi and Asazuma Eriko, Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2015, 382 pp. Selected essays. (Japanese)
  • with Andre Mazon, La langue russe, la guerre et la révolution, eds. Sylvie Archaimbault and Catherine Depretto, Paris: Eur'Orbem, 2017, 188 pp. (French)

Edited books[edit]

  • N. S. Trubetzkoy's Letters and Notes, ed. with the assistance of H. Baran, O. Ronen and M. Taylor, The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1975, 506 pp; 2nd ed., 1985, 529 pp.

Selected articles and papers[edit]

  • "N. N. Durnovo, N. N. Sokolov, D. N. Ušakov, Opyt dialektologičeskoj karty russkogo jazyka v Evrope", Etnografičeskoe obozrenie 109-110 (1916), pp 102-107. (Russian)
  • (signed with initials Р,Я), "Futurizm" [Футуризм], Iskusstvo [Искусство] 7 (2 August 1919), Moscow: Narkompros; repr. in Selected Writings 3, 1981, pp 717-722; repr. in Raboty po poetike, 1987, pp 414-420. Written in summer 1919 in Puškino on the river Kljaz'ma, where he was staying with Mayakovsky and Brik. [23] [24] (Russian)
    • Also published in St. Petersburg (signed with full name) in two parts as "Priyemy staroy zhivopisi" [Приемы старой живописи], Žizn' iskusstva [Жизнь искусства] 199-200 (27 July 1919); and "Futurizm kak esteticheskaya i nauchnaya sistema" [Футуризм как эстетическая и научная система], Žizn' iskusstva [Жизнь искусства] 226 (26 August 1919). [25] [26]
    • "Futurisme", in Jakobson, Essais de linguistique générale 2, 1973, pp 25-30. (French)
    • "Futurism", in Stephen Rudy, Jakobsonian Poetics of the Moscow and Prague Periods, 1978, Appendix 1; repr. in Jakobson, Language in Literature, eds. Pomorska and Rudy, 1987, pp 28-33.
    • "Futurizmus", 1982. (Hungarian)
    • "Futurismus", in Jakobson, Semiotik: Ausgewählte Texte 1919—1982, ed. Holenstein, 1988, pp 41-49. (German)
    • "O Futurismo". (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • as Aljagrov (Алягров), "Zadachi khudozhestvennoy propagandy" [Задачи художественной пропаганды], Iskusstvo [Искусство] 8 (5 September 1919); repr. in Jakobson, Raboty po poetike, 1987, pp 421-422. [27] (Russian)
  • "Novoe iskusstvo na zapade (Pismo iz Revelja)" [Новое искусство на Западе (Письмо из Ревеля)], Chudožestvennaja žizn' 4/3 (March-April 1920), pp 18-20; repr. in Jakobson, Raboty po poetike, 1987, pp 423-429. (Russian)
  • "Prof. Šachmatov", Čas 30:68 (31 August 1920), Prague, p 2.
  • "Pisma s zapada. Dada" [Письма с Запада. Дада], Vestnik teatra [Вестник театра] 82 (2 February 1921); repr. in Jakobson, Raboty po poetike, 1987, pp 430-439. (Russian)
    • "Dada", in Stephen Rudy, Jakobsonian Poetics of the Moscow and Prague Periods, 1978, Appendix 2.
  • "O realismu v umění", Červen 4:22 (1922), pp 300-304; repr. in Jakobson, Poetická funkce, 1995, pp 138-144. Jakobson's own translation from Russian. [28] (Czech)
    • "O chudozestvennom realizme" [О художественном реализме], in Readings in Russian Poetics, ed. L. Matejka, 1962, pp 29-36; repr. in Jakobson, Selected Writings 3, 1981, pp 723-731. (Russian)
    • "Du réalisme artistique", in Théorie de la littérature: Textes des formalistes russes, ed. Tristan Todorov, Paris: Seuil, 1965, pp 98-108. (French)
    • "Über den Realismus in der Kunst", in Texte der russischen Formalisten 1, ed. J. Striedter, Munich: Fink, 1969, pp 372-391. (German)
    • "On Realism in Art", in Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views, eds. L. Matejka and K. Pomorska, MIT Press, 1971, pp 38-46.
    • "El realismo artístico", in Georg Lukács et al, Polémica sobre realismo, 1982. 157-176. (Spanish)
    • "Il realismo nell'arte", in Jakobson, Poetica e poesia, 1985, pp 8-17. (Italian)
  • with Petr Bogatyrev, "Die Folklore als eine besondere Form des Schaffens", in Verzaneling van Opstellen door Oud-Leertingen en Befriende Vakgenooten, Nijmegen and Utrecht, 1929, pp 900-913. [29] (German)
    • "Folklore as a Special Form of Creation", trans. John M. O'Hara, in Jakobson, Selected Writings, vol. IV, 1966, pp 1-15.
    • "Folklór jako zvláštní forma tvorby", in P. Bogatyrev, Souvislosti tvorby, Prague: Odeon, 1971, pp 36-47. (Czech)
  • collectively as the Prague Linguistic Circle, "Thèses présentées au Premier Congrès des philologues slaves", Travaux du Cercle linguistique de Prague 1, 1929, pp 5-29. The overall framework of the text was organised by Vilém Mathesius. [30] (French)
    • "These k diskusi", section 2 in I. sjezd slovanských filologů v Praze 1929, Prague, 1932. (Czech)
    • "Tezisy Pražskogo lingvističeskogo kružka", in Pražskij lingvističeskij kružok: Sbornik statej, ed. N. A. Kondrašov, Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Progress, 1967, pp 17-41. (Russian)
    • El círculo lingüístico de Praga: Tesis de 1929, trans. Maria Ines Chamorro, Madrid: Alberto Corazon, 1970. (Spanish)
    • "Methodische Probleme, die aus der Konzeption der Sprache als System erwachsen, und die Wichtigkeit dieser Konzeption für die slawischen Sprachen", in Der modeme Strukturbegriff, ed. H. Naumann, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973, pp 16-45. (German)
    • "Theses Presented to the First Congress of Slavic Philologists in Prague, 1929", in The Prague School: Selected Writings, 1929—1946, ed. P. Steiner, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983, pp 3-31.
  • "Úpadek filmu?", Listy pro umění a kritiku 1 (1933), pp 45-59. Written in Czech in Prague, 1932. (Czech)
    • "Décadence du cinéma?", Revue d´Esthétique 26:2-3-4 (April—December 1973), pp. 69-76 (French)
    • "Is the Film in Decline?", trans. E. Sokol, in Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions, eds. L. Matejka and I. Titunik, MIT Press, 1976, pp 145-152.
    • La fine del cinema?, Book Time, 2009, 86 pp. (Italian)
  • "Co je poesie?", Volné směry 30 (1933-34), pp 229-239; repr. in Jakobson, Poetická funkce, 1995, pp 23-33. First delivered as a lecture in Czech in the Artistic Society Mánes, Prague. [31] (Czech)
    • Poesie und Sprachstruktur, ed. F. P. Ingold, Zürich, Arche, 1970, 48 pp. (German)
    • "Qu'est-ce que la poésie?", Poétique 2:7 (1971), pp 297-307. (French)
    • "What Is Poetry?", trans. Michael Heim, in Semiotics of Art: Prague School Contributions, eds. L. Matejka and I. Titunik, MIT Press, 1976, pp 164-175; repr. in Jakobson, Selected Writings, III, 1981, pp 740-750, [32]; repr. in Jakobson, Language in Literature, 1987, pp 368-378, n529-530, [33]
    • "Che cos'è la poesia?", in Jakobson, Poetica e poesia, 1985, pp 42-55. (Italian)
  • "O předpokladech pražské lingvistické školy", Index 6:1 (1934), pp 6-9.
  • "Letter on connections between the Czech and Russian poetic avant-garde", in A. M. Ripellino, Storia della poesia ceca contemporanea, Roma: Edizioni d'Argo, 1950, p 26.
  • "On Linguistic Aspects of Translation", in On Translation, ed. Reuben A. Brower, Harvard University Press, 1959, pp 232-239; repr. in The Translation Studies Reader, ed. Lawrence Venuti, Routledge, 2000, pp 113-118.
    • "Aspects linguistiques de la traduction", trans. Nicolas Ruwet, in Jakobson, Essais de linguistique générale I, 1963, pp 78-86. (French)
    • "Aspetti linguistici della traduzione", Il Verri 19 (1966), pp 98-106. (Italian)
    • "Linguistische Aspekte der Übersetzung", in Jakobson, Aufsätze zur Linguistik und Poetik, ed. Raible, 1974, pp 154-161. (German)
    • "O lingvističeskich aspektach perevoda", in Voprosy teorii perevoda v zarubežnoj lingvistike, ed. V. Komissarov, Moscow: Meždunarodnye otnošenija, 1978, pp 16-24. (Russian)
  • "Closing Statement: Linguistics and Poetics", in Style in Language, ed. Thomas A. Sebeok, 1960, pp 350-377, OL; repr. as "Linguistics and Poetics", in Jakobson, Selected Writings: Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry, 1981, pp 18-51, [34]; repr. in Semiotics: An Introductory Anthology, ed. Robert E. Innis, Indiana University Press, 1985, pp 147-175; repr. as "Linguistics and Poetics", in Jakobson, Language in Literature, 1987, pp 62-94, n508-511. Originally presented as a lecture at the Conference on Style held at Indiana University in the spring of 1958, then developed into an essay in Stanford, California, in 1959.
    • "Linguistique et poétique", trans. Nicolas Ruwet, in Jakobson, Essais de linguistique générale, 1963, pp 209-248. (French)
    • "Linguistica e poetica", in Jakobson, Saggi di linguistica generale, ed. Heilmann, 1966, pp 181-218. (Italian)
    • "Lingvistika a poetika", in Jakobson, Slovesné umění a umělecké slovo, 1969, pp. 73-116; repr. in Jakobson, Poetická funkce, 1995, pp 74-105. (Czech)
    • "Linguistik und Poetik", in Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven 2, Nr. 1: Zur linguistischen Basis der Literaturwissenschaft, ed. J. Ihwe, Frankfurt: Athenäum, 1971, pp 142-178. (German)
    • "Lingvistika i poetika", in Strukturalizm: „za" i "protiv", eds. E. Basin and M. Poljakov, Moscow: Progress, 1975, pp 193-230. (Russian)
  • with Claude Lévi-Strauss, "'Les Chats' de Charles Baudelaire", L'Homme 2 (1962), pp 5-21. Written in Paris in 1961. (French)
    • "Baudelairovy 'Kočky'", trans. Milada Chlíbcová, Orientace 2:5 (1967), pp 50-62; repr. in Jakobson, Slovesné umění a umělecké slovo, 1969, pp 365-385; repr. in Jakobson, Poetická funkce, 1995, pp 622-638. (Czech)
    • "'Les Chats' von Charles Baudelaire", Alternative 62-63 (1968), pp 156-170. (German)
    • "Charles Baudelaire 'Les Chats'", in Introduction to Structuralism, ed. M. Lane, London/New York: Basic Books, 1970, pp 202-221.
    • "'Les Chats' di Charles Baudelaire", in Letteratura e strutturalismo, ed. L. Rosiello, Bologna: N. Zanichelli, 1974, pp 99-116. (Italian)
    • "'Koški' Šarlja Bodlera", in Strukturalizm: „za" i "protiv", eds. E. Basin and M. Poljakov, Moscow: Progress, 1975, pp 231-254. (Russian)
  • "Linguistics and Communication Theory", in Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics XII, 1961; repr. in Selected Writings, Vol. II: Word and Language, Mouton, 1971, pp 570-579. Presented in the Symposium on Structure of Language and Its Mathematical Aspects, New York, 15 April 1960.
  • "À la recherche de l'essence du langage", Diogène 51 (July—September 1965), pp 22-38. Address to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, February 10, 1965. (French)
    • "Quest for the Essence of Language", Diogenes 51 (1966), pp 21-37.
    • "Alla ricerca dell'essenza del linguaggio", in I Problemi attuali della linguistica (Idee Nuove 47), Milan, 1968, pp 129-145. (Italian)
    • "Hledání podstaty jazyka", in Dvanáct esejů o jazyce, ed. Karel Hausenblas, Prague: Mladá fronta, 1970, pp 29-45. (Czech)
    • "V poiskach suščnosti jazyka", in Sbornik perevodov po voprosam informacionnoj teorii i praktiki 16, ed. E. V. Padučeva, et al., Moscow, 1970, pp 4-15. (Russian)
  • "Linguistics in Relation to Other Sciences", Linguistics, in Main trends in Social Research, Unesco, 1967; 1971, pp 655-696.
    • Relações entre a ciência da linguagem e as outras ciências, Bertrand, 1974, 125 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • "On the Verbal Art of William Blake and Other Poet-Painters", Linguistic Inquiry 1:1 (1970), pp 3-23; repr. in Jakobson, Language in Literature, 1987, pp 479-503, n536. Discusses also Paul Klee and Henri Rousseau. [35]
  • "Instead of a Postscript / Vmesto posleslovija", in N. Chardžiev, K. Malevič, M. Matjušin, The Russian Avant-Garde / K istorii russkogo avangarda, Stockholm: Hylaea Prints, 1976, pp 188-189. (English)/(Russian)
  • "Jan Patočka: From the Curriculum Vitae of a Czech Philosopher", The New Republic 126:19 (7 May 1977), pp 26sq.
  • "Einstein and the Science of Language", in Einstein and Humanism (Selected Papers from the Jerusalem Einstein Centennial Symposium), New York: Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1982, pp 129-144.


  • A Bibliography of the Publications of Roman Jakobson on Language, Literature and Culture, Harvard University Press, 1951, pp (2) + 17 + (1).
  • "A Bibliography of the Publications of Roman Jakobson", in For Roman Jakobson. Essays on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 11 October 1956, The Hague: Mouton, 1956, pp 1-12.
  • Cornelis Hendrik van Schooneveld, Roman Jakobson: A Bibliography of His Writings, The Hague/Paris: Mouton, 1971.
  • Willard Bohn, "Roman Jakobson's Theory of Metaphor and Metonymy: An Annotated Bibliography", Style 18:4 (Fall 1984).
  • Stephen Rudy (ed.), Roman Jakobson, 1896-1982: A Complete Bibliography of His Writings, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990, 187 pp. [36]

Debates and interviews[edit]

  • Diskussion von Roman Jakobson mit Professoren und Studenten der Universität Köln (27. Mai 1975), Cologne: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Köln, Arbeitspapier, No. 32, 1976, 18 pp. (German)
  • with Krystyna Pomorska, Dialogues, Paris: Flammarion, 1980, 200 pp. (French)
    • Magia della parola, Roma/Bari: Laterza, 1980, 190 pp. (Italian)
    • Poesie und Grammatik: Dialoge. Mit einem Verzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen Roman Jakobsons in deutscher Sprache 1921—1982, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1982, 193 pp. (German)
    • Besedy [Беседы], Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1982, 142 pp. (Russian)
    • Dialogues, MIT Press, 1983, 186 pp; repr., Cambridge University Press, 1984.
    • Dialogy, trans. Marcela Pittermanová, Prague: Český spisovatel, 1993, 153 pp. (Czech)
  • with David Shapiro, "Art and Poetry: The Cubo-Futurists", in The Avant-Garde in Russia 1910—1930: New Perspectives, eds. S. Barron and M. Tuchman, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and MIT Press, 1980, p 18.


  • Z korespondence, ed. & trans. Alena Morávková, Prague/Litomyšl: Paseka, 1997, 160 pp. (Czech)
  • Quadrilog. Bohuslav Havránek — Zdeňka Havránková — Roman Jakobson — Svatava Pírková-Jakobsonová. Vzájemná korespondence 1930—1978, eds. Marie Havránková and Jindřich Toman, Prague: Charles University, 2001, 131 pp. (Czech)
  • with Claude Lévi-Strauss, Correspondance 1942-1982, eds., pref. & notes Emmanuelle Loyer and Patrice Maniglier, Paris: Seuil, 2018, 421 pp. (French)
  • From the Early Years of Phonology: The Roman Jakobson - Eli Fischer-Jørgensen Correspondence, 1949-1982, eds. & intro. Viggo Bank Jensen and Giuseppe D'Ottavi, Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2020, 402 pp. (English)


Monographs and conference proceedings[edit]

  • Morris Halle, Horace G. Lunt, Hugh McLean, et al. (eds.), For Roman Jakobson. Essays on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 11 October 1956, The Hague: Mouton, 1956, 681 pp.
  • To Honor Roman Jakobson: Essays on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, 3 vols., The Hague: Mouton, 1967. (English),(French),(German),(Italian),(Latin),(Russian),(Serbo-Croatian),(Spanish)
  • Charles E. Gribble (ed.), Studies Presented to Professor Roman Jakobson by His Students, Cambridge, MA: Slavica, 1968.
  • Elmar Holenstein, Roman Jakobsons phänomenologischer Strukturalismus, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1975, 213 pp. (German). Habilitation presented in Zurich, 1974. (German)
    • Jakobson ou le structuralisme phénoménologique: présentation, biographie, bibliographie, Paris: Seghers, 1975, 244 pp. (French)
  • Elmar Holenstein, Roman Jakobson's Approach to Language: Phenomenological Structuralism, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976.
  • Linda R. Waugh, Roman Jakobson's Science of Language, John Benjamins, 1976, 115 pp.
  • Daniel Armstrong, Cornelis H. van Schooneveld (eds.), Roman Jakobson: Echoes of His Scholarship, Lisse: Peter de Ridder, 1977.
  • Helmut Schnelle (ed.), Sprache und Gehirn: Roman Jakobson zu Ehren, Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp, 1981, 235 pp. (German)
  • A Tribute to Roman Jakobson 1896-1982, pref. Paul E. Gray, The Hague: de Gruyter, 1983; repr., 2010, 96 pp. [37] [38] Proceedings of the conference held at MIT on 12 Nov 1982, and selected writings of Jakobson.
  • Linda R. Waugh, Stephen Rudy (eds.), New Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and Variation. Proceedings of the Second International Roman Jakobson Conference, New York University, Nov. 5-8, 1985, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1991.
  • Richard Bradford, Roman Jakobson: Life, Language and Art, Routledge, 1994.
  • Jindřich Toman, The Magic of a Common Language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy, and the Prague Linguistic Circle, MIT Press, 1995.
    • Příběh jednoho moderního projektu. Pražský lingvistický kroužek, 1926-1948, trans. Vladimír Petkevič, Prague: Karolinum, 2011, 348 pp. (Czech) [39]
  • Susana Cuevas, Julieta Haidar (eds.), La imaginación y la inteligencia en el lenguaje: homenaje a Román Jakobson, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1996. (Spanish) [40]
  • Françoise Gadet, Patrick Sériot (eds.), Cahiers de l'ILSL 9: "Jakobson entre l'Est et l'Ouest (1915-1939): Un épisode de l'histoire de la culture européenne", Lausanne: Presses Centrales de Lausanne, 1997, 260 pp. (French),(English)
  • Natalia Avtonomova (Наталия Автономова), Otkrytaya struktura: Jakobson — Bakhtin — Lotman — Gasparov [Открытая структура: Якобсон — Бахтин — Лотман — Гаспаров], Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009, 503 pp. (Russian)
  • Matteo D'Ambrosio, Roman Jakobson e il futurismo italiano, Naples: Liguori, 2009, 128 pp. (Italian)
  • Margaret Thomas (ed.), Roman Jakobson, Routledge, 2014, 1858 pp. Contents and Preface, Interview with the editor. [41]
  • Edoardo Esposito, Stefania Sini, Marina Castagneto (eds.), Roman Jakobson, linguistica e poetica, Milan: Ledizioni, 2019, 485 pp. (Italian)

Special journal issues[edit]

  • Poetique 2(7): "Hommage a Roman Jakobson", 1971.
  • Critique 30(322): "Roman Jakobson", 1974.
  • L'Arc 60: "Roman Jakobson", 1975.
  • Cahiers Cistre 5: "Jakobson", 1978.
  • Poetics Today 2(1a): "Roman Jakobson: Language and Literature", 1980.
  • American Journal of Semiotics 2(3): "The Semiotics of Roman Jakobson", 1983.
  • International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 27: "Roman Jakobson: What He Taught Us", 1983.

Book chapters, papers and articles (selection)[edit]




  • Виктор Шкловский и Роман Якобсон. Жизнь как роман, dir. Владимир Непевный, 2009. [44]

See also[edit]
