is an artist radio in Berlin on UKW 88,4 MHz & Potsdam 90,7 MHz. With its 10-year experimental radio past, it has been featured in The Wire magazine as one of the most interesting and influential radios in the world. broadcasts art, discourse and electronic music live from the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. is created by 85 Berlin artists of all stripes. They work with text, spoken word, theatre, popular culture, fashion, gender, experimental electronic music, freeform radio, DJ sets and more. Over 5000 local and international listeners follow the radio on Facebook and Twitter. Selected programmes are also picked up by other radios (FSK, Corax, coloRadio, Proton).
Since 2010 with a fixed frequency on FM 88.4 MHz in Berlin and 90.7 MHz in Potsdam, the station operates with little money but a lot of enthusiasm and has managed to attract attention in the world of art and sound. (2022)
Team: Pit Schultz, Diana McCarty, Guido Plonski, Maja Milić, Franziska Duchemin, Noémie Cayron (until the end of 2022). (2023)
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