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personal data, digital identity, surveillance, data retention, CCTV, biometrics, RFID, Big Brother, net neutrality.
Activists, events[edit]
- The Intercept, a platform to report on the documents previously provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Publication of First Look Media, created by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Jeremy Scahill.
- Global Surveillance Monitor, in-depth reports on the current state of privacy in 195 countries around the world.
- Wikileaks: The Spy Files, thousands of pages and other materials exposing the global mass surveillance industry.
-, a hub for community research into biological privacy.
- Freedom Not Fear, annual self-organised conference on privacy and digital rights, since 2010.
- Nervous Systems: Quantified Life and the Social Question, exhibition, HKW Berlin, Mar-May 2016. Curated by Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski (Tactical Technology Collective) and Anselm Franke.
See also[edit]
Copyright activism, Internet activism