Net.Radio Days
Net.Radio Days '98 Berlin: trimm dich was an international meeting of experimental internet radio projects held on 6-10 June 1998 in Berlin organised by mikro in cooperation with Convex tv.
Even though some of these projects have collaborated over the Internet for quite some time, for many of them it was the first meeting in "real space". The meeting was also "narrowcasted" on the internet. Program included performances, presentations, lectures, workshops (Theory and History; How to; Software and technology).
The participants: Pararadio Budapest, Radio Ozone Riga, Radioqualia Sydney, Goethe House Tokio, KunstRadio Vienna, Radio Helsinki Graz, K3000 Zuerich, B92 Belgrad, Radio Student Ljubljana, Backspace Radio London, Radio DFM Amsterdam, Nirvanet Paris, Interface London, Freies Radio Kassel, mikro e.V.i.Gr. Berlin, Convex TV Berlin, XLR Berlin, Radio Internationale Stadt Berlin and others. day 99 - 2000 years of was held on 12 March 1999 within the net_condition event at ZKM, Karlsruhe.
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