Multiplace is a non-profit organisation based in Bratislava.
It originated as an annual festival of new media and network culture, which since 2002 has taken place in various locations in Slovakia and the wider Central European region. In the 2000s and 2010s it became a major event for media art and culture in Central Europe, alongside Enter in Prague, the WRO Biennale in Wroclaw and Ars Electronica in Linz.
The festival took place in the spring, lasted between 1 and 2 weeks and included up to a hundred events, including performances, exhibitions, workshops, discussions, presentations and screenings. It was coordinated by Mária Rišková (2002-2004), Katarína Kucbelová (2005), Zuzana Duchová (2006-2007), Dušan Barok (2008-2009) and Barbora Šedivá (2010-2017). Other members of the coordination and programme groups were Slávo Krekovič, Viera Levitt, Magdaléna Kobzová, Zdenka Konečná, Peter Gonda, Katarína Gatialová, Barbora Kalinová, Barbora Námerová, Dáša Peštová, Michal Kindernay and many others.
The festival began as a coordinated event organised by people with a common interest in presenting new forms of creativity. In April 2002, Buryzone, Jan Koniarek Gallery, Space Gallery, Atrakt Art Association, Rokast, Subterra, the Czech Centre in Bratislava and the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bratislava joined forces to organise five days of presentations and performances by media artists, digital filmmakers, video artists, musicians and programmers from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Finland at seven venues in Bratislava, Trnava and Nitra.
Multiplace was presented as a platform for art and technology aimed at critically reflecting on life in a culture shaped by technology, emphasising experimentation and encouraging collaboration and networking between participants in the network. Throughout its existence, the festival did not award prizes.
Since January 2008, Multiplace has been running the internet server Sanchez, which hosts more than 80 websites of artistic, cultural and social initiatives.
Open organisation[edit]
From c.2007 to c.2009, Multiplace operated as an open organisation with several working groups (for more details see concept and charter of the organisation). Every group's mailing list communication was public.
- Coordination group (2006-2007), archive part 2 (2006-2010).
- Program group (2007), archive part 2 (2007-2010).
- Theory group (2006-2007), archive part 2 (2008-2009).
Ivor Diosi's interactive installation ID Engine #08 in Buryzone during New Media Nation / Multiplace 1, Apr 2002
Vladimíra Pčolová wearing EEG sensors for Ivor Diosi's ID Engine #08 in Buryzone, Apr 2002
Peter Gonda, Aymeric Mansoux and Guy van Belle during the performance Kerneloops, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 20 Apr 2005
Steve Goodman (kode9) lecturing on sonic warfare at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 22 Apr 2005
Multiflat activity, Bratislava, 20 Apr 2005
Zuzana Černáková and Barbora Šedivá participating in Kevin Hamilton's Chronozone 4: Zeno Boundary psycho-geographical project, Bratislava, 29 Apr 2006
Mária Rišková and Elisabeth Schimana presenting in Hainburg, 21 Apr 2006. Photo: Peter Agat Huba
Participants in the theatre/performance DoMA/at Home taking place at a private apartment, Bratislava, 27 Apr 2006. Photo: Peter Agat Huba
Performers during the theatre/performance DoMA/at Home taking place at a private apartment, Bratislava, 27 Apr 2006. Photo: Peter Agat Huba
Participants in the theatre/performance DoMA/at Home taking place at a private apartment, Bratislava, 27 Apr 2006. Photo: Peter Agat Huba
Michal Moravčík in his in-situ installation Poriadok [Order], Mobile Studios, Bratislava 2006
Mária Rišková and Mira Keratová during the discussion Akurátni kurátori in Bratislava, 2006. Photo: Ľubomír Nosko.
Adam Hyde and Aleksandar Erkalovic presenting the WiFio radio at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 27 Apr 2006. Photo: Peter Agat Huba
Helmafrodit (Michal Murin and Michal Snopko) during performance in Žilina, 2006
Stanislav Abrahám, Jan Dufek and Ladislav Železný during Uchoko event, Brno, 2007
Viera Levitt during her presentation in Providence, 2007
Bulkladung performing at Letom netom, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 26 Apr 2008. Photo: Peter Minár
Multiplace Banská Bystrica I., 26 Apr 2008. Photo: Erik Bartoš
Ivor Diosi, Petra Fornayová, et al., real-time avatars, Immediate Night at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 29 Apr 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Ivor Diosi, Petra Fornayová, et al., real-time avatars, Immediate Night at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 29 Apr 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Collectif Dardex-Mort2Faim, Petra Fornayová, et al., generative visuals, Immediate Night at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 29 Apr 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Chaotic Confluence Commitee performing Movement Freedom Sound at The Lost Horse Gallery, Reykjavík, 1 May 2008. Photo: Klára Doležálková
Golo Föllmer and Guy van Belle performing at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 2 May 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Aids Wolf performing at Multiples, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 3 May 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Aids Wolf performing at Multiples, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 3 May 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Planningtorock performing at Multiples, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 3 May 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Planningtorock performing at Multiples, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 3 May 2008. Photo: Ester Erdelyiová
Daniel Hromada talking about Kyberia at NoD, Prague, 15 Apr 2009. Photo: Dušan Barok
Audiovisual performance at Čistírna Bubeneč, Prague, 18 Apr 2009. Photo: Martin Blažíček
Performance of the participants of Re-Paik workshop led by David Strang and Vincent van Uffelen, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, 5 May 2011. Photo: Deana Kolenčíková. Video & audio.
Re-Paik performance, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, 5 May 2011. Photo: Deana Kolenčíková
Víctor Mazón performing at Multiplesk, A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 3 May 2011. Photo: Ľubomír Panák
Phill Niblock and Iva Jančová during Dronology at A4 - Zero Space, Bratislava, 7 May 2011. Photo: Erik Bartoš
Klára Prešnajderová and Maroš Schmidt performing at the Time Stop 1960–1970: TV Sampling Evening, Barrus Ratus, Bratislava, 8 May 2011. Photo: Misa Chemličková
Ninna Thorarinsdottir before her performance with the Dancing Dress, Lost Horse Gallery, Reykjavík, May 2011
Oliver Rehák and Blu performing the L.I.S. - Lisbon Indeterminate Soundscape, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, 6 May 2011. Photo: Erik Bartoš
Václav Peloušek at Multiplace Expo, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, 2 May 2011. Photo: Erik Bartoš
Vanda Sepová, Katarína Gatialová and Slávo Krekovič at the opening of Multiplace Expo, Enter Gallery, Bratislava, 2 May 2011. Photo: Erik Bartoš
- Multiplace 1: new media event, part of New Media Nation programme, 16-20 April 2002
- Multiplace 2: new media event, 27-31 May 2003
- Multiplace 3: new media culture festival, 29 March - 8 April 2004
- Multiplace 4: new media culture festival, 17-24 April 2005
- Multiplace 5: new media culture festival, 21-30 April 2006
- Multiplace 6: network culture festival, 13-22 April 2007
- Multiplace 7: network culture festival, 26 April - 3 May 2008, Brno - Ostrava - Prague - Berlin - Budapest - Reykjavík - Báhoň - Banská Bystrica - Bratislava - Košice - Nitra - Trnava - Žilina - Glasgow
- Multiplace 8: network culture festival, 14-18 April 2009, Brno - Praha - Ústí nad Labem - Zlín - Krakow - Bratislava - Nitra - Trnava - Žilina
- Multiplace 9: new media culture festival, 21 April - 25 May 2010, Bratislava - Brno - Prešov - Trnava
- Multiplace 10: culture and creativity after the digital, 2-8 May 2011, Brno - Praha - Nantes - Budapest - Reykjavík - Cluj - Bratislava - Košice - Trnava. [1]
- Multiplace Network 2012, 10 April - 31 May 2012, Brno - Bratislava - Zlín - Cluj - Pécs. [2]
- Multiplace Network & New Media Culture Festival, 8-26 May 2013, Brno - Bratislava - Žilina - Prague. [3]
- Multiplace Festival for Digital Survivors, 16-28 May 2014, Bratislava - Brno - Cieszyn - Mons - Praha - Topoľčany - Trenčín - Žilina. [4]
- Multiplace Festival for Postdigital Survivors, 30 Apr-20 May 2015, Bratislava - Brno - Košice - Lvov - Nikolaev - Topoľčany - Trnava - Žilina. Website archived.
- Multiplace Festival: How to Survive, 2-12 Mar 2017, Bratislava - Brno - Košice - Prague - Žilina
- Multiplace 2007, Bratislava, 2007. Brochure.
On Multiplace[edit]
- "Multiplace. New media event", PROFIL súčasného výtvarného umenia 2, 2002, p 129. (Slovak)
- Mária Rišková, "Multiplace - festival-dielo", Multiplace brochure, Bratislava: Multiplace, 2007. (Slovak)/(English)
- Dušan Barok, "O kultúre sietí", Multiplace brochure, Bratislava: Multiplace, 2007. (Slovak)
- "On the Culture of Networks", Multiplace brochure, Bratislava: Multiplace, 2007. (English)
- Omar Mirza, "Multiplace", Flash Art CZ/SK 5:5, Mar-Aug 2007, p 62. Review. [5] (Slovak)
- Ivana Madariová, "Festival ako sociálny experiment", Flash Art 9, Jul-Oct 2008, HTML. Review. [6] (Slovak)
- Palo Fabuš, "Multiplace – otevřenost v kultuře otevřenosti", Flash Art CZ/SK 11-12, Mar-May 2009, p 56, HTML. (Czech)
- Barbora Kalinová, Nina Turčanová, "Festival Multiplace paralelne v deviatich mestách sveta", Inspire, May-Jun 2009. (Slovak)
- Mária Rišková, "Hry Husákových detí na Slovensku", A2 13, Prague, 24 Jun 2009. [7] (Slovak)
- Barbora Šedivá, Metodika riadenia otvorenej organizácie a medzinárodného festivalu sieťovej kultúry Multiplace, Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně/Fakulta výtvarných umění, 2009. PhD dissertation. [8] [9] (Slovak)
- Katarína Gatialová, "Transmediale.11, Multiplace 2011", Kinečko 4, 2011, p 14. Review. (Slovak)
- Andrej Jaroš, "Multiplace", Flash Art CZ/SK, 2011. Review. (Slovak)
- Michal Murin, "Mária Rišková: Vízie budúcich spomienok", Profil 3, Bratislava, 2012, pp 100-111. Interview. (Slovak)
- Katarína Gatialová, Barbora Šedivá, "Nové médiá, sociálne akcie a cvičené opice v kolaboratívnom prostredí. Multiplace, Remake", Profil 3, Bratislava, 2012, pp 112-120. Interview. (Slovak)
- Katarína Slaninová, "Multiplace 2014 rôzne miesta / Slovensko", Flash Art CZ/SK, 2014. Review. (Slovak)
- Lenka Rišková, "Multiplace", in Rišková, Kultúra v sieti.Nezávislé iniciatívy v umení a kultúre nových médií v Bratislave po roku 2000, Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, pp 35-36. Master's thesis. [10] (Slovak)
See also[edit]
- Sanchez server