Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen

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Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen (1973) is an art historian and political theorist. He is associate professor at the University of Copenhagen and has published books and articles on the revolutionary tradition and modern art.


  • Den sidste avantgarde. Situationistisk Internationale hinsides kunst og politik, Copenhagen: Politisk Revy, 2004. (Danish)
  • editor, with Jacob Lund Pedersen, Livsform. Perspektiver i Giorgio Agambens filosofi, Aarhus: Klim, 2005. (Danish)
  • editor, with Karin Hindsbo, City Rumble. Kunst, intervention og kritisk offentlighed, Copenhagen: Politisk revy, 2005. (Danish)
  • with Das Beckwerk, I sammenbruddets tjeneste. Samtaler ved Peder Holm-Pedersen, Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2008. (Danish)
  • Avantgardens selvmord, Copenhagen: 28/6, 2009, 109 pp; repr., new forew., Copenhagen: Antipyrine, 2013, 108 pp. [1] (Danish)
  • editor, with Jacob Lund, Fællesskabsfølelser, Aarhus: Klim, 2009. (Danish)
  • Om billedregimer, statsapparater og deres mulige kollaps, Oslo: Attåt, 2011. [4]
  • Krise til opstand. Noter om det igangværende sammenbrud, Aarhus: Antipyrine, 2013. [6] (Danish)
  • co-editor, Monsieur Antipyrine, 2+ issues, Aarhus: Antipyrine, since 2014. [7] [8] (Danish)
  • Playmates and Playboys at a Higher Level: J.V. Martin and the Situationist International, Berlin: Sternberg, and Stockholm: Moderna Museet, 2015, 64 pp. [10] (English)
  • Samtidskunstens metamorfose, Aarhus: Antipyrine, 2016, 248 pp. [11] (Danish)
  • co-editor, Gæstfrihed i kunst og politik. Festskrift til Carsten Juhl, Copenhagen: Basilisk, 2016, 264 pp. [12] (Danish)
  • Hegel after Occupy, Berlin: Sternberg, 2018, 64 pp. [13] (English)
  • After the Great Refusal: Essays on Contemporary Art, its Contradictions and Difficulties, Winchester: Zero Books, 2018, 114 pp. Publisher. (English)
  • Trump's Counter-Revolution, Winchester: Zero Books, 2018, 78 pp. [14] (English)
    • La contro-rivoluzione di Trump. Fascismo e democrazia, AgenziaX, 2019. {{it]}
  • På råbeafstand af marxismen, Aarhus: Antipyrine, 2019, 272 pp. Publisher. (Danish)
  • Late Capitalist Fascism, London: Polity, 2021, 140 pp. Publisher. (English)


See also[edit]
