Markus Krajewski
Markus Krajewski (1972, Olpe) is a cultural scientist and media historian. He is Professor of Media Studies with focus on the History and Theory of Media, University Basel. In 2002-2008 he was Associate Professor of Media History of Science in the Faculty of Media at Bauhaus University, Weimar, and in 2008-9 a Visiting Scholar at the Humanities Center at Harvard University. Krajewski is author of Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548–1929 (MIT Press, 2011), Der Diener. Mediengeschichte einer Figur zwischen Koenig und Klient [The Servant: Media History of a Figure between King and Client] (S. Fischer, 2010), and Restlosigkeit: Weltprojekte um 1900 (S. Fischer, 2006). His current research projects include the history of scholarly and scientific exactitude, the media of servants, marginal epistemology, and specific shapes of German post-war architecture, especially tiled facades. He is also developer and maintainer of the bibliography software Synapsen – A Hypertextual Card Index.
(in German unless noted otherwise)
- ZettelWirtschaft. Die Geburt der Kartei aus dem Geiste der Bibliothek, Berlin: Kadmos, 2002.
- Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548–1929, trans. Peter Krapp, MIT Press, 2011, 215 pp. (English)
- Restlosigkeit: Weltprojekte um 1900, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2006, 368 pp.
- World Projects: Global Information Before World War I, trans. Charles Marcrum II, University of Minnesota Press, 2014. (English) [1]
- Der Diener. Mediengeschichte einer Figur zwischen Koenig und Klient, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2010.
- The Server: A Media History from the Present to the Baroque, trans. & intro. Ilinca Iurascu, Yale University Press, 2018, xi+441 pp. [2]
- Lesen, Schreiben, Denken. Zur wissenschaftlichen Abschlußarbeit in 7 Schritten, Vienna, Cologne and Weimar: UTB / Böhlau, 2013, 118 pp; 2nd ed., 2015, 118 pp.
- Bauformen des Gewissens. Über Fassaden deutscher Nachkriegsarchitektur, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner, 2013, 153 pp. [3]
- Edited books and journals, articles