Marcel Mauss
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Marcel Mauss (10 May 1872 – 10 February 1950) was a French sociologist whose academic work traversed the boundaries between sociology and anthropology. His best known work is Essai sur le don [The Gift].
- with Henri Hubert, Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice, L’Année sociologique, deuxième année (1897-1898), Paris, 1898, pp. 29-138.
- Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions, trans. W. D. Halls, University of Chicago Press, 1964. (English)
- with Paul Fauconnet, La sociologie: objet et méthode, 1901.
- "Essai sur le don: Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques", L'Année sociologique, 1923-24, pp 30-186; repr. as Essai sur le don: Forme et raison de l’échange dans les sociétés archaïques, Paris: Félix Alcan, 1925, 157 pp; 4th ed., Paris: PUF, 482 pp.
- The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies, trans. Ian Cunnison, intro. E. E. Evans-Pritchard, London: Cohen & West, 1966, 130 pp, ARG. (English)
- Die Gabe: Form und Funktion des Austauschs in archaischen Gesellschaften, trans. Eva Moldenhauer, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1968, 187 pp. (German)
- "Ensayo sobre los dones: motivo y forma del cambio en las sociedades primitivas", in Mauss, Sociología y antropología, trans. Teresa Rubio de Martín-Retortillo, Madrid: Técnos, 1971, pp 155-263. (Spanish)
- The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies, trans. W. D. Halls, forew. Mary Douglas, Routledge, 1990, 199 pp. (English)
- Eseu despre dar, trans. Silvia Lupescu, Iași: Institutul European, 1993, 192 pp, PDF, IA; new ed., Iași: Polirom, 1997, 228 pp, PDF, ARG. (Romanian)
- Esej o daru, podobě a důvodech směny v archaických společnostech, trans. Jiří Našinec, Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství, 1999, 201 pp. (Czech)
- "Ensaio sobre a dádiva", trans. Paulo Neves, in Mauss, Sociologia e antropologia, São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2003, pp 183-314. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Ensayo sobre el don. Forma y función del intercambio en las sociedades arcaicas, ed. Fernando Giobellina Brumana, trans. Julia Bucci, Buenos Aires: Katz, 2009, 269 pp. Excerpt. Review: Sanchez Gomez (RDTP 2011). (Spanish)
- The Gift: Expanded Edition, ed., annot. & trans. Jane I. Guyer, forew. Bill Maurer, Chicago: Hau Books, 2016, 248 pp. [1] (English)
- Manuel d'ethnographie, 1926; Paris: Payot, 1967.
- Manual de etnografie, tran. and intro Cristina Gavriluță, Iași: Institutul European, 2003. (Romanian)
- Manual of Ethnography, trans. Dominique Lussier, ed. & intro. N.J. Allen, New York: Berghahn Books, 2007, Scribd. (English)
- Sociologie et anthropologie, Paris: PUF, 1950; 4th ed., Paris: PUF, 1968, 482 pp.
- Sociología y antropología, trans. Teresa Rubio de Martín-Retortillo, Madrid: Técnos, 1971. Trans. of 4th French ed. (Spanish)
- Sociologia e antropologia, trans. Paulo Neves, São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2003. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Sosyoloji ve antropoloji, trans. Özcan Doğan, Ankara: Doğubatı, n.d. (Turkish)
- Œuvres [Works], 3 vols., Paris: Minuit, 1968-69.
- More.
- On techniques and technology
- "Les techniques du corps", Journal de Psychologie 32:3-4 (Mar-Apr 1936), pp 271-293; repr. in Mauss, Sociologie et anthropologie, 1950; 1973. Paper presented at the Société de Psychologie, 17 May 1934. [2] [3] (French)
- "Le tecniche del corpo", trans. Franco Zannino, in Teoria generale della magia e altri saggi, Turin: Einaudi, 1965. (Italian)
- "Técnicas y movimientos corporales", trans. Teresa Rubio de Martín-Retortillo, in Mauss, Sociología y antropología, Madrid: Tecnos, 1971, pp 337-356. (Spanish)
- "Techniques of the Body", trans. Ben Brewster, Economy and Society 2:1 (1973), pp 70-88, ARG; repr. in Incorporations, eds. Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter, New York: Zone Books, 1992, pp 455-477. (English)
- "Sposoby posługiwania się ciałem", in Mauss, Socjologia i antropologia, Warsaw: PWN, 1973, pp 533-566; abridged repr. in Antropologia kultury. Zagadnienia i wybór tekstów, I, Warsaw: WUW, 2001, pp 201-211. (Polish)
- "Die Techniken des Körpers", in Mauss, Soziologie und Anthropologie, 2, Munich: Hanser, 1975, pp 197-220; repr., Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1989, pp 197-220. (German)
- "Techniki tela" [Техники тела], in Moss, Общества, Обмен, Личность, Moscow: Nauka, 1996, pp 242-263. (Russian)
- "As técnicas do corpo", trans. Paulo Neves, in Mauss, Sociologia e antropologia, São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2003, pp 399-422. [4] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- "Les techniques et la technologie", in Mauss, Oeuvres, 3, pp 250-256. (French)
- "La nation" [1920], in Mauss, Oeuvres, 3, pp 573ff. (French)
- other
- "Parentés à plaisanteries", Annuaire de l’École pratique des hautes études 36, 1926, pp 3-21. (French)
- "Joking Relations", trans. Jane Guyer, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 3:2, Summer 2013. (English)
- Bibliography
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, Introduction a l'oeuvre de Marcel Mauss, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1950.
- Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss, trans. Felicity Baker, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987.
- Seth Leacock, "The Ethnological Theory of Marcel Mauss", American Anthropologist 56 (1954), pp 58-71. (English)
- Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins, Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the Person: Anthropology, Philosophy, History, Cambridge University Press, 1985, viii+309 pp.
- Marcel Mauss: A Centenary Tribute, eds. Wendy James and N.J. Allen, Berghahn Books, 1998. [5] (English)
- Marcel Fournier, Marcel Mauss, Paris: Fayard, 1994.
- Marcel Mauss: A Biography, trans. Jane Marie Todd, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press 2005. (English)