Mária Orišková
Mária Orišková (1952, Košice) is a Slovak art historian. She studied art history at the Faculty of Philosophy of Comenius University in Bratislava and completed her doctorate at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. She worked as a curator of modern and contemporary art at the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava (1975-1994), taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (1994-2013), at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI (1998) and at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (2005/2006). In 1999 she graduated from the Getty Summer Institute in Art History and Visual Studies at the University of Rochester, in 2003 she was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship at RISD Providence and Columbia University in New York, and in 2008 a Weiser Fellowship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mária Orišková has published mainly in the fields of Central and Eastern European art, critical museology, exhibition history, gender and feminism. She currently teaches 20th and 21st century art history at the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Trnava. (2023)
- editor, Teória a prax múzea umenia, Bratislava: SCAN, 2002. (Slovak)
- Dvojhlasné dejiny umenia, Bratislava: Petrus, 2002. Based on PhD thesis. (Slovak)
- Zweistimmige Kunstgeschichte, Vienna: Praesens, 2008, 229 pp. (German)
- editor, Efekt múzea: predmety, praktiky, publikum. Antológia textov anglo‑americkej kritickej teórie múzea, trans. Edita Langošová and Mária Orišková, Bratislava: Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, 2006, 287 pp. Publisher. TOC. (Slovak)
- editor, Curating 'Eastern Europe' and Beyond: Art Histories through the Exhibition, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (Spectrum Slovakia), and Bratislava: Veda, 2013, 205 pp. TOC. Publisher. Edit András's essay. Book launch. Reviews: Císař (Umění), Mazur (Szum, PL). (English)
Essays (selection)[edit]
- "Zwischen Abdruck der Wirklichkeit und spontaner Geste - die Malerei von Stefan Schwartz", in Fritz Billeter, Stefan Schwartz. Das geschenkte, das erkämpfte Bild, Zürich: ABC-Verlag, 1993. (German)
- "New Returns to Nature" / "Új visszatérések a természethez", in Naturally: Nature and Art in Central Europe / Természetesen. Természet és müvészet közep-európában, ed. János Sturcz, Budapest: Ernst Múzeum, 1994, pp 276-292. (English)/(Hungarian)
- "K otázke politiky vystavovania: príklad Slovenskej národnej galérie", Ars 3, 2003, pp 201-217. (Slovak)
- "Ženy s dlátom v ruke: sochárky a historiografia umenia", in Na ceste k modernej žene. Kapitoly z dejín rodových vzťahov na Slovensku, ed. G. Dudeková, Bratislava: Veda, 2011, pp 616‑629. (Slovak)
- "Modernistické kategórie a “nezápadný” modernizmus", in České umění 1980-2010. Texty a dokumenty, eds. Jiří Ševčík, Pavlína Morganová, Terezie Nekvindová, and Dagmar Svatošová, Prague: VVP AVU, 2011, pp 290-293. (Slovak)
- "Curating 'Eastern Europe' From the Politics of Representation to Collaboration and Networking", in Curating ‘Eastern Europe’ and Beyond: Art Histories through the Exhibition, ed. Mária Orišková, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, and Bratislava: Veda, 2013, pp 65-81. (English)
- "Marginalizované a/alebo skúsené? Vek, tvorba a inštitucionalizácia umelkýň" / "Marginalised and/or Powerful and Experienced?: Age, Artistic Production and the Institutionalisation of Women Artists", in Grey Gold: České a slovenské umělkyne 65+ / Czech and Slovak Female Artists over 65, eds. Vendula Fremlová, Terezie Petišková, and Anna Vartecká, Brno: Dům umění města Brna, and Ústí nad Labem: Fakulta umění a designu Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, 2014, pp 86-95. (Slovak)/(English)
- "Museums that Listen and Care?: Central Europe and Critical Museum Discourse", in From Museum Critique to the Critical Museum, eds. Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius and Piotr Piotrowski, London: Ashgate, 2015, pp 163-177. (English)
- "Zbierky umeleckých diel a zbierky príbehov: Antikanonické gestá súčasných múzeí umenia", in Ex-pozice. O vystavování muzejních sbírek umění, designu a architektury, ed. Martina Pachmanová, Prague: VŠUP Praha, 2018, pp 20-29. (Slovak)
- "Výstavy amerického moderného umenia v Československu počas studenej vojny a ambivalentná agenda kultúrnej diplomacie", Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny 26, 2019, pp 44-62. (Slovak)
- "From Hanoi and Havana to Paris and New York: Czecho-Slovak International Exhibitions during the Cold War", in State Construction and Art in East Central Europe, 1918-2018, eds. Agnieszka Chmielewska, Irena Kossowska, and Marcin Lachowski, New York/London: Routledge, 2023, pp 164-173. (English)
- "Shifts and Gaps in the Paradigm of Socialist Internationalism: Czechoslovak Exhibitions Abroad, 1956-1988, in Universal-International-Global: Art Historiographies of Socialist Eastern Europe, ed. Antje Kempe, Beáta Hock, and Marina Dmitrieva, Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, and Cologne: Brill, 2023, pp 77-97. (English)
- more.