Luciana Parisi

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Luciana Parisi is Reader in Cultural Studies and Director of the PhD programme at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths University of London. Her research focuses on philosophy and science to investigate potential conditions for ontological and epistemological change in culture, aesthetic and politics. Specifically engaging with cybernetics, information theories, and evolutionary theories, her work analyses the radical transformations of the body, nature, matter and thought led by the technocapitalist development of biotechnologies and computation. In 2004, she published Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire (Continuum). She has also written within the field of media philosophy and analysed the bionic transformation of the perceptive sensorium triggered by digital media, the advancement of new techno-ecologies of control, and the nanoengineering of matter. She has published articles on the cybernetic re-wiring of memory and perception in the context of a non-phenomenological critique of computational media vis a vis strategies of branding and marketing. Her interest in interactive media has also led her research to engage more closely with computation, cognition, and algorithmic aesthetics. In 2013, she published Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and the Control of Space (MIT Press).



Journal issues[edit]

Book chapters, papers, essays[edit]

  • "Cutting Away from Smooth Space", in The Lure of Whitehead, eds. Nicholas Gaskill and A. J. Nocek, University of Minnesota Press, 2014, pp 267-296.
  • "The Intelligence of Computational Design", ch 10 in Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity, ed. Maria Voyatzaki, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018, pp 228-250. [11]
  • "Recursive Philosophy and Negative Machines", Critical Inquiry 48(2): "Surplus Data", Dec 2021, pp 313-333. [17]

