Luciana Parisi
Luciana Parisi is Reader in Cultural Studies and Director of the PhD programme at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths University of London. Her research focuses on philosophy and science to investigate potential conditions for ontological and epistemological change in culture, aesthetic and politics. Specifically engaging with cybernetics, information theories, and evolutionary theories, her work analyses the radical transformations of the body, nature, matter and thought led by the technocapitalist development of biotechnologies and computation. In 2004, she published Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire (Continuum). She has also written within the field of media philosophy and analysed the bionic transformation of the perceptive sensorium triggered by digital media, the advancement of new techno-ecologies of control, and the nanoengineering of matter. She has published articles on the cybernetic re-wiring of memory and perception in the context of a non-phenomenological critique of computational media vis a vis strategies of branding and marketing. Her interest in interactive media has also led her research to engage more closely with computation, cognition, and algorithmic aesthetics. In 2013, she published Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and the Control of Space (MIT Press).
- Abstract Sex. Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire, London and New York: Continuum, 2004.
- Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics and Space, MIT Press, 2013.
Journal issues[edit]
- e-flux 123: "Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social", ed. Critical Computation Bureau (CCB), Dec 2021.
Book chapters, papers, essays[edit]
- with Tiziana Terranova, "Heat-Death: Emergence and Control In Genetic Engineering and Artificial Life", Ctheory, May 2000.
- "Information Trading and Symbiotic Micropolitics", Social Text 80, Fall 2004, pp 25-49. [1] [2]
- with Steve Goodman, "The Affect of Nanoterror", Culture Machine 7, 2005.
- "Biotech: Life by Contagion", Theory, Culture & Society 24, 2007, pp 29-52. [3]
- with Steve Goodman, "Extensive Continuum: Towards a Rhythmic Anarchitecture", Inflexions 2, Dec 2008.
- "Symbiotic Architecture: Prehending Digitality", Theory, Culture & Society 26:2-3, Mar 2009, pp 346-374. [4]
- "An Archigenesis of Experience", Australian Feminist Studies 24:59, Mar 2009, pp 39-51. [5]
- "Technoecologies of Sensation", in Deleuze/Guattari & Ecologies, ed. Bernd Herzogenrath, New York: Palgrave, 2009, pp 182-199.
- "What Can Biotechnology Do?", Theory, Culture & Society 26:4, Jul 2009, pp 155-163. [6]
- "Event and Evolution", The Southern Journal of Philosophy 48:1, Sep 2010, pp 147-164. [7]
- with Stamatia Portanova, "Soft Thought (in Architecture and Choreography)", Computational Culture 1, Nov 2011.
- "Digital Design and Topological Control", Theory, Culture & Society 29:4-5, Jul 2012, pp 165-192. [8]
- "Cutting Away from Smooth Space", in The Lure of Whitehead, eds. Nicholas Gaskill and A. J. Nocek, University of Minnesota Press, 2014, pp 267-296.
- with M.B. Fazi, "Do Algorithms Have Fun? On Completion, Indeterminacy and Autonomy in Computation", in Fun and Software: Exploring Pleasure, Pain and Paradox in Computing, ed. Olga Goriunova, London: Bloomsbury, 2014.
- "Instrumental Reason, Algorithmic Capitalism, and the Incomputable", ch 7 in Alleys of Your Mind: Augmented Intelligence and Its Traumas, ed. Matteo Pasquinelli, Lüneburg: Meson Press, 2015, pp 125-138.
- "La raison instrumentale, le capitalisme algorithmique et l’incomputable", trans. Yves Citton, Multitudes 62, 2016, pp 98-109. (French)
- "Automated Thinking and the Limits of Reason", Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 16:5, Oct 2016, pp 471-481. [9]
- with Antonia Majaca, "The Incomputable and Instrumental Possibility", e-flux 77, Nov 2016.
- "After Nature: The Dynamic Automation of Technical Objects", ch 7 in Posthumous Life: Theorizing Beyond the Posthuman, eds. Jami Weinstein and Claire Colebrook, New York: Columbia University Press, 2017. [10]
- "Computational Logic and Ecological Rationality", ch 2 in General Ecology: The New Ecological Paradigm, eds. Erich Hörl and James Burton, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
- "Reprogramming Decisionism", e-flux 85, New York, Oct 2017.
- "The Intelligence of Computational Design", ch 10 in Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity, ed. Maria Voyatzaki, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018, pp 228-250. [11]
- "Das Lernen lernen oder die algorithmische Entdeckung von Informationen", in Machine Learning. Medien, Infrastrukturen und Technologien der Künstlichen Intelligenz, eds. Christoph Engemann and Andreas Sudmann, Bielefeld: transcript, 2018. [12] (German)
- "Xeno-Patterning: Predictive Intuition and Automated Imagination", Angelaki 24(1): "Alien Vectors: Accelerationism, Xenofeminism, Inhumanism", eds. James Trafford and Pete Wolfendale, Jan 2019, 81-97. [13]
- "Critical Computation: Digital Automata and General Artificial Thinking", Theory, Culture & Society 36:2, Mar 2019, pp 89-121. [14]
- "The Alien Subject of AI", Subjectivity 12:1, Mar 2019, pp 27-48.
- "Media Ontology and Transcendental Instrumentality", Theory, Culture & Society 36:6, Nov 2019, pp 95-124. [15]
- "Negative Optics in Vision Machines", AI & Society, 2020. [16]
- with Ezekiel Dixon-Román, "Recursive Colonialism and Cosmo-Computation", Social Text, Nov 2020.
- with Denise Ferreira da Silva, "Black Feminist Tools, Critique, and Techno-poethics", e-flux 123: "Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social", Dec 2021.
- with Steve Goodman, "Golemology, Machines of Flight, and SF Capital", e-flux 123: "Dialogues on Recursive Colonialisms, Speculative Computation, and the Techno-social", Dec 2021.
- "Recursive Philosophy and Negative Machines", Critical Inquiry 48(2): "Surplus Data", Dec 2021, pp 313-333. [17]
- with Matthew Fuller, "Luciana Parisi Interview", 2004.
- with Erich Hörl, "Was heißt Medienästhetik?", trans. Reiner Ansen and Erich Hörl, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 8 (2013), pp 35-51. (German)
- Stanimir Panayotov, "To Engineer the Time by Other Means. Interview with Luciana Parisi", Figure/Ground, Aug 2016.