Józef Robakowski
Born |
February 20, 1939 Poznań, Poland |
Lives in | Łódź, Poland |
Web | Culture.pl, Wikipedia-PL |
Collections | Arton 20, MoMA Warsaw 13, Pompidou 5, ZKM 3, Kontakt (Vienna) 3, CSW Toruń 2, Zachęta 2, MS Łódź 1, Mocak Kraków 1, MSW Szczecin 1 |
Józef Robakowski (1939, Poznań) is a Polish artist and filmmaker associated with the avant-garde film movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
Józef Robakowski earned a degree in museum studies and art history at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and majored in direction of photography at the Film School in Łódź where he also lectured between 1970 and 2018 and ran, inter alia, the Multimedia Laboratory. His artistic practices develop around film, photography, and other visual media. Since the late 1950s he has practiced photography, experimenting with the technologies of the medium, creating objects and photo installations.
Robakowski’s preoccupation with the context effect of perception and with the potential of photographic representation is reflected in a series of analytical and conceptual works from the 1970s. In the 1980s he produced photographic series by taking pictures of TV images. In recent years he has been creating monumental compositions of his own images available on the Internet collectively referred to as ‘Fotomania’ and mental multimedia archives titled ‘The Pulse of Facebook’. Since the early 1960s Józef Robakowski has been engaged in making experimental films. His seminal analyses of film structures of the 1970s belong to the classics of structural cinema. In the 1980s, using, inter alia, video technique he developed the concept of “his own cinema” based on original, often autobiographical recordings, and registered performative practices. At the same time, he was pursuing a critical thread connected with media politics and the mechanisms of ideologically motivated viewer manipulation on mass media. Video and film documentation material focused on contemporary art and its avant-garde traditions is an important part of his artistic practice.
Robakowski co-founded artistic collectives engaged in experimental practices, such as, e.g., Oko (Eye, 1960), STKF Pętla (Loop, 1960-1966), Zero-61 (1961-1969), and Krąg (Circle, 1965-1967). He was also the co-founder of Warsztat Formy Filmowej (Film Form Workshop, 1970-1977) and Telewizyjna Grupa Twórcza Stacja Ł (TV Creative Group Station Ł, 1991-1992). Since 1978 he has been running Galeria Wymiany (Exchange Gallery; established together with Małgorzata Potocka) in Łódź as a private gallery of present art, the aim of which is exchanging artistic thoughts, provoking creative initiatives. The gallery collects films, videotapes, documentation, it also produces video films and was a contact office for the international artistic movement Infermental. Robakowski is an initiator of a number of artistic events, a publisher, and author of texts and publications. He lives and works in Łódź. (2020)
Experimental short films and videos[edit]
- 6 000 000, 1962, 5'. 16 mm.
- Po człowieku [After the Man], 1970, 8'30", 35 mm. Realised with Ryszard Meissner; collaboration: Tadeusz Junak.
- Rynek [Market], 1970, 4'20". 35 mm. Collaboration: Ryszard Meissner and Tadeusz Junak (The Film Form Workshop). [1]
- 22x, 1971, 5'24". 35 mm.
- Próba [Test], 1971, 5'44". 35 mm. Realisation of the Film Form Workshop. [2]
- Próba II [Test II], 1971, 1'58". 35 mm. Realisation of the Film Form Workshop. [3]
- Prostokąt dynamiczny [The Dynamic Rectangle], 1971/1972, 5'. 35 mm. Realisation of the Film Form Workshop.
- Idę [I'm Going], 1973, 2'56". 35 mm. Film performance. Realisation of the Film Form Workshop. [4]
- Wacław Antczak Reinkarnacja [Wacław Antczak Reincarnation], 1974, 4'. Realisation of the Film Form Workshop.
- Drzwi - Okno - Fotel [Door - Window - Armchair], 1974, 22'. 35 mm. Collaboration: Ryszard Waśko; PWSFTviT.
- Something Happened Behind the Window, 1974/1994, 4'. Film/VHS.
- Ćwiczenia na dwie ręce, 1976, 7'14". 16 mm.
- Z mojego okna [From My Window], 1978/1999, 20'. 16 mm/Video.
- Pamięci L.Breżniewa, 1982.
- Państwo wojny [War State], 1982, 12'. VHS.
- O palcach [About Fingers], 1982, 5'. VHS.
- Sztuka to potęga!, 1984.
- Powietrza! [More Air!], 1985, 2'48". 16 mm. [5]
- Reinkarnacja II dla P. W. Antczaka (Mistrzowi...), 1985, 5'. VHS.
- Mój teatr [My Theatre], 1985, 8'. VHS.
- Kino to potęga [Cinema is Power], 1985, 6'30". 16 mm.
- Taniec z drzewami [Dancing with Trees], 1985, 2'30". VHS.
- Tańczę dla Ewy Z. [I Dance for Eve Z.], 1985, 4'. VHS.
- Zapis energetyczny: Moskwa i moje oko... [Energy Record: Moskwa and My Eye...], 1985, 27'56". VHS. [6]
- Samochody, samochody! [Cars, Cars!], 1985, 2'. VHS.
- La - Lu La - Lu, 1985, 2'. VHS.
- Dla Warsztatu Formy Filmowej: Bliżej-Dalej [To The Workshop of The Film Form: Nearer-Farther], 1985, 4'. VHS.
- Idzie ulicą [He Goes Down the Street], 1986, 5'. VHS.
- Dziewczyny z Jarocina [Girls from Jarocin], 1986, 3'. VHS.
- Party z Lutosławskim [A Party With Lutoslawski], 1987, 27'. VHS.
- Lochy Manhattanu [The Dungeons of Manhattan], 1989, 65'10". VHS.
- Byłem chłopcem w Nowym Jorku [I Was a Boy in New York], 1989, 4'. VHS.
- Pomarańczowa Alternatywa w Łodzi [Orange Alternative in Łódź], 1989, 38'. VHS.
- Dotknięcie Józefa [Joseph’s Touch], 1989, 18'. VHS.
- Chodź do mnie [Come to Me], 1989/90, 5'. VHS.
- Ojej, boli mnie noga [My Leg Hurts], 1990, 2'32". VHS. [7]
- video WIND, 1990, 3'. VHS.
- Świetliki [Fireflies], 1990, 2'40". VHS.
- Moje videomasochizmy II [My Videomasochisms II], 1990, 4'. VHS.
- Dwie pieśni nastrojów [Two Songs of the Moods], 1990, 3'30". VHS.
- Gnuśna linia [Idle Line], 1992, 3'00". VHS. [8]
- Taniec z lajkonikiem [Dance With a Lajkonik], 1992, 2'53". VHS.
- Jadziu, odbierz telefon... [Yaga, Answer the Phone...], 1992, 5'. VHS.
- Videocałuski [Video Kisses], 1992, 2'. VHS.
- Szukaj [Search], 1992, 1'17". VHS.
- 1, 2, 3, 4 (Videopoliczki) [1, 2, 3, 4 (Light Cheeks)], 1993, 1'31". VHS. [9]
- Videosong, 1993, 4'. VHS.
- Twarz telewizyjna [TV Face], 1994, 3'. VHS.
- Jabłko akustyczne The Apple (Acoustic)], 1994, 4'. VHS.
- Jestem elektryczny [I Am Electric], 1996-2005, 13'. Video.
- Imuplzatory [Impulsators], 2000, 2'33". VHS. [10]
- Impulsator VI, 2001, 3'. VHS. Realised with Krzysztof Lewandowski; music: Zakir.
- Polak mały... [The Little Pole...], 2003, 3'. Video.
- Manifest energetyczny! [The Energy Manifest!], 2003, 2'. Video.
- Mechaniczny operator [The Mechanical Cameraman], 2003, 7'. Video.
- Uwaga: ŚWIATŁO! [Attention: LIGHT!], 2004, 5'. Video. Collaboration: Wiesław Michalak.
- Rozmowa z matką [Conversation with My Mother], 2004, 7'. Video.
- Rozmyślania przy lizaniu [Meditations While Lisking], 2007, 6'. Video.
- Aż het, znad Bzury..., 2008, 2'. Video.
- Mordę skuję [Smash Your Face In], 2010, 3'. Video.
- Piegi [Freckles], 2014, 10'. Video.
- Len - Lu, 2014, 2'. Video.
- Okulary [Glasses], 2014, 8'40". Video.
Cycles of photographs[edit]
- Foto-malarstwo, 1958-1967.
- Fotografia astralna, 1972-2002.
- Kąty energetyczne, 1975-2004.
- Czeluście, 1978.
- Termogramy, 1998-2000.
Installations and objects[edit]
- Autoportret przestrzenny, 1969.
- Krzesło, 1970.
- Rolki, 1970.
- Równoważnia dźwiękowa, obiekt interaktywny, 1972.
- Pan Jeleń, auto videoepitafium, 1990-1994.
- Kiner I i Kiner II, 1992-2004.
Documentary films about art[edit]
- Portret Tymona Niesiołowskiego, 1970.
- Żywa Galeria, 1974/1975.
- Witkacy, 1980.
- Konstrukcja w Procesie, 1981-1982. From the cycle Uderzenie Sztuki: portrety telewizyjne - Wacław Szpakowski.
- Katarzyna Kobro.
- Władysław Strzemiński.
- "Jeszcze raz o 'czysty film'" [Calling Once Again for 'Pure Film'], Polska 10, Warsaw, 1971; repr. in Robotnik Sztuki 4, Elbląg, 1972. (Polish)
- "Video Art - szansa podejścia rzeczywistości" [Video Art - a Chance to Approach Reality], in Video Art, Lublin: Galeria Labirynt, 1976. Catalogue text. (Polish)
- "Manipuluję!" [Manipulating!], 1988. From the invitation flyer to the exhibition Kąty energetyczne, Mala Galeria, Warsaw. (Polish)
- "The Live Gallery. Lodz progressive art movement 1969-1992", c1997. (English)
- more
- Alicja Cichowicz, "Józef Robakowski's Multimedia Exchange Gallery", trans. Zbigniew Kowalski and Anna Petrie, n.d. (English)
- Józef Robakowski Interviewed by Hans Ulrich Obrist, 2010, 76 min. Video.
- Aneta Panek, "Wywiad z Józefem Robakowskim", OwnReality/Wywiad (2), 2015. [11] [12] (Polish)
- "Entretien avec Józef Robakowski", OwnReality/Entretien (2), 2015. [13] [14] (French)
- with Paul Sharits, Attention: Light!, Buffalo, NY: Hallwalls, 2004.
- Łukasz Ronduda, "Strategie subwersywne w sztukach medialnych. Realizacje found footage i video scratch Józefa Robakowskiego", in From Monument to Market: Video Art and Public Space, eds. Piotr Krajewski and Violetta Krajewska, Wroclaw: WRO Art Center, 2005. (Polish)
- "Subversive Strategies in the Media Arts: Józef Robakowski’s Found Footage and Video Scratch", trans. Sherill Howard Pociecha, in From Monument to Market: Video Art and Public Space, eds. Piotr Krajewski and Violetta Krajewska, Wroclaw: WRO Art Center, 2005. [15] (English)
- Marielle Nitoslawska, "Monument. Market. Manhattan", in From Monument to Market: Video Art and Public Space, eds. Piotr Krajewski and Violetta Krajewska, Wroclaw: WRO Art Center, 2005. (English)
- "Monument. Market. Manhattan", trans. Anna Molik and Jacek Dziubiński, in From Monument to Market: Video Art and Public Space, eds. Piotr Krajewski and Violetta Krajewska, Wroclaw: WRO Art Center, 2005. (Polish)
- Karol Sienkiewicz, "Józef Robakowski", Culture.pl, 2009. (Polish)
- "Józef Robakowski", Culture.pl, 2009. (English)
- "Юзеф Робаковский", Culture.pl, 2015. (Russian)