Ion Vinea

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Ion Vinea.
Born April 17, 1895(1895-04-17)
Died July 6, 1964(1964-07-06) (aged 69)

Ion Vinea, literary pseudonym of Ion Eugen Iovanaki, was a Romanian poet in the avant-garde movement. He was an editor (with Marcel Janco) of Contimporanul magazine (1922-32) that was central to the Romanian modernism.

While still on high school (St. Sava in Bucharest), he published poetry with Tristan Tzara and Marcel Iancu in Simbol revue (1912).


Poems, and prose poems
  • Descântecul şi Flori de lampă [Charm and flowers lamp], Biblioteca Dimineaţa, 1925
  • Paradisul suspinelor [Paradise of Sighs], Bucharest: Cultura Națională, 1930. With 5 engravings and a portrait by Marcel Iancu.
  • Ora fântânilor [Time of fountains], Bucharest: E.L.P., 1964.
  • Poeme [Poems], Bucharest: Tineret, 1969
  • Ornic nesupus: versuri (Poezii de duminică) [Ornic Rebellious: Poems. (Sunday Poems)], ed. Leo Butnaru, Chisinău: Eus, 1993. An anthology.
  • Lunatecii [Lunatics], Bucharest: E.L.P., 1965. A novel.
  • Venin de mai [The Venom of May], Cluj-Napoca: Dacia, 1971. An unfinished novel
  • Publicistică literară [Literary journalism], Bucharest: Minerva, 1977
  • Săgeata şi arabescul. Articole şi pamflete [Arrow and Arabesque: Articles and Pamphlets], Bucharest: Minerva, 1984.
  • Whisky Palace & alte elegii / Whisky Palace & altre elegie, ed. Geo Vasile, Timişoara: Bastion, 2008. A critical anthology. (in Romanian/Italian)

See also[edit]
