Herbert Marcuse

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Herbert Marcuse (left) with his then UC San Diego graduate student Angela Davis, c.1969. Both spoke at a rally at UC Berkeley (1969) (video).

Herbert Marcuse (July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.




Most of the talks of Herbert Marcuse have been published in the Collected Papers volumes.

  • "The Movement in a New Era of Repression: An Assessment", Berkeley Journal of Sociology 16 (1971-1972), pp 1-14. Delivered at the University of California on 3 February 1971.
  • "Zeit-Messungen: Drei Vorträge und ein interview", Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975.
    • Contains "Marxism and Feminism", "Theory and Practice" and an expanded version of "Failure of the New Left", translated into Collected Papers. (English)
    • Actuels, Paris: Galilée, 1976. (French)
    • Calas en nuestro tiempo, Barcelona: Icaria, 1976. (Spanish)
  • "Marxism and Feminism", 1974. Delivered at Stanford U on 7 Mar 1974.
    • "Markiszm i feminizm" [Марксизм и феминизм], trans. Kirill Medvedev (Кирилл Медведев), Slobodnoe marksistskoe izdatelstvo, 2008. Audio. (Russian)
  • "Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society", [1979], Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 3:3 (1992), pp 29-37. With commentaries by Andrew Feenberg, Joel Kovel, Douglas Kellner and C. Fred Alford (pp 37-48).

Collected writings[edit]


