Henri Lefebvre
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Born |
June 16, 1901 Hagetmau, Landes, France |
Died |
June 29, 1991 Navarrenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France | (aged 90)
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Henri Lefebvre (1901–1991) was a French Marxist philosopher and sociologist, best known for pioneering the critique of everyday life, for introducing the concepts of the right to the city and the production of social space, and for his work on dialectics, alienation, and criticism of Stalinism, existentialism, and structuralism.
(in French unless noted otherwise)
- with Norben Guterman, Introduction aux morceaux choisis de Karl Marx, Paris: NRF, 1934.
- with Norben Guterman, La conscience mystifiee, Paris: Gallimard, 1936.
- Le nationalisme contre les nations, preface Paul Nizan, Paris: Editions Sociales Internationales, 1937.
- Hitler au pouvoir, bilan de cinq annees de fascisme en Allemagne, Paris: Bureau d'Editions, 1938.
- Ο Χίτλερ στην εξουσία (Διδάγματα από τα πέντε χρόνια φασισμού στη Γερμανία), Αφήγηση, 2013. (Greek)
- with Norben Guterman, Marceaux choisis de Hegel. Paris: Gallimard, 1938.
- with Norbert Guterman, Cahiers de Unine sur Ia dialectique de Hegel, Paris: Gallimard, 1938.
- Nietzsche, Paris: Editions Sociales Internationales, 1939.
- Le materialisme dialectique, Paris: Alcan, 1939.
- Dialectical Materialism, trans. John Sturrock, London: Jonathan Cape, 1968; new ed., pref. Stefan Kipfer, University of Minnesota Press, 2009. (English)
- L'existentialisme, Paris: Sagittaire, 1946.
- Logique formelle, logique dialectique, Paris: Editions Sociales, 1947; 2nd ed., Paris: Anthropos, 1970.
- Critique de la vie quotidienne, I: Introduction, Paris: Grasser, 1947; 2nd ed., Paris: L'Arche, 1958.
- Critique of Everyday Life, 1: Introduction, trans. John Moore, pref. Michel Trebitsch, London: Verso, 1991; repr. in Lefebvre, Critique of Everyday Life: The One-Volume Edition, London: Verso, 2014. Publisher. (English)
- Marx et la liberte, Geneva: Trois Collines, 1947.
- Descartes, Paris: Editions Hier et Aujourd'hui, 1947.
- Pour connaitre la pensee de Karl Marx, Paris: Bordas, 1948.
- Le marxisme Paris: PUF, 1948, ARG.
- "Marksizam", in Lefevr, Marksizam. Aktuelni problemi marksizma, ed. Vuko Pavicevic, BIGZ, 1973. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Diderot, Paris: Francais Reunis, 1949.
- Pascal, vol. I. Paris: Nagel, 1949.
- Contribution a l'esthetique, Paris: Editions Sociales, 1953.
- Pascal, vol. II. Paris: Nagel, 1954.
- Musset, Paris: L'Arche, 1955.
- Rabelais, Paris: Francais Reunis, 1955.
- Pignon, Paris: Falaise, 1956.
- Pour connaitre la pensee de Lenine, Paris: Bordas, 1957.
- Problemes actuels du marxisme, Paris: PUF, 1958.
- "Aktuelni problemi marksizma", in Lefevr, Marksizam. Aktuelni problemi marksizma, ed. Vuko Pavicevic, BIGZ, 1973. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Allemagne, Paris/Zurich: Braun/Atlantis, 1958. With photographs by Martin Hurlimann.
- La somme et le reste, 2 vols., Paris: La Nef de Paris, 1959.
- Critique de la vie quotidienne, II: Fondements d’une sociologie de la quotidienneté, Paris: L'Arche, 1961.
- Critique of Everyday Life, 2: Foundations for a Sociology of the Everyday, trans. John Moore, pref. Michel Trebitsch, London: Verso, 2002; repr. in Lefebvre, Critique of Everyday Life: The One-Volume Edition, London: Verso, 2014. Publisher. (English)
- Introduction a la modernité, Paris: Minuit, 1962.
- Introduction to Modernity: Twelve Preludes, September 1959-May 1961, trans. John Moore, London: Verso, 1996. (English)
- La vallée de Campan, étude de sociologie rurale, Paris: PUF, 1963.
- with Norben Guterman, Karl Marx: Oeuvres choisies, vol. I, Paris: Gallimard, 1963.
- with Norben Guterman, Karl Marx: Oeuvres choisies, vol. II, Paris: Gallimard, 1964.
- Marx, Paris: PUF, 1964.
- Pyrénées, Lausanne: Rencontre, 1965.
- Metaphilosophie, Paris: Minuit, 1965.
- Metaphilosophy, ed. & intro. Stuart Elden, London: Verso, 2016. (English)
- La proclamation de la Commune, Paris: Gallimard, 1965.
- Le langage et la societé, Paris: Gallimard, 1966.
- La sociologie de Marx, Paris: PUF, 1966.
- The Sociology of Marx, trans. Norbert Guterman, New York: Pantheon Books, 1968; Columbia University Press, 1982, ARG. (English)
- Κοινωνιολογία του Μαρξ, Gutenberg, 1985. (Greek)
- Position: contre les technocrates, Paris: Gonthier, 1967.
- Contra los tecnócratas, Granica, 1972. (Spanish)
- Le droit à la ville, Paris: Anthropos, 1968, 166 pp. Chapter. Review: A. W. (1969).
- El derecho a la ciudad, intro. Mario Gaviria, trans. J. Gonzalez-Pueyo, Barcelona: Península, 1969, 169 pp, PDF. (Spanish)
- Il diritto alla città, intro. Cesare Bairati, Padova: Marsilio, 1970, 162 pp. (Italian)
- "Right to the City", trans. Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas, in Lefebvre, Writings on Cities, 1996, pp 61-181. (English)
- O direito à cidade, trans. Rubens Eduardo Frias, São Paulo: Centauro, 2001; 5th ed., 2008, PDF. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- La vie quotidienne dans le monde moderne, Paris: Gallimard, 1968.
- Everyday Life in the Modern World, Harmondsworth, Middx.: Penguin, 1971. (English)
- L'irruption, de Nanterre au sommet, Paris: Anthropos, 1968.
- The Explosion: Marxism and the French Revolution of May 1968, New York: Monthly Review, 1969. (English)
- Du rural à l'urbain, Paris: Anthropos, 1970. Contains "Théorie de la rente foncière et sociologie rurale" (1956).
- De lo rural a lo urbano, ed. Mario Gaviria, trans. Javier Gonzalez-Pueyo, Barcelona: Peninsula, 1971; 4th ed., 1978. (Spanish)
- "The Theory of Ground Rent and Rural Sociology", trans. Matthew Dennis, Antipode, 2015. [1] (English)
- La révolution urbaine, Paris: Gallimard, 1970.
- Urbana revolucija, Belgrade: Nolit, 1974. (Serbo-Croatian)
- The Urban Revolution, trans. Robert Bononno, foreword Neil Smith, Minneapolis/ London: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. ARG. (English)
- La fin de l'histoire, Paris: Minuit, 1970.
- Le manifeste differentialiste, Paris: Gallimard, 1971.
- Au-delà du structuralisme, Paris: Anthropos, 1971.
- S onu stranu strukturalizma, Izdavački centar Komunist, 1973. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Vers le cybernanthrope/Contre les technocrates, Paris: Denoel-Gonthier, 1971.
- La pensee marxiste et la ville, Paris/Tournai: Casterman, 1972.
- Trois textes pour le theatre, Paris: Anthropos, 1972.
- Espace et politique (Le droit à la ville, II), Paris, 1973.
- Espacio y politica. El derecho a la ciudad, II, trans. Janine Muls de Liaras and Jaime Liaras Garcia, Barcelona: Peninsula, 1976. (Spanish)
- Vers une architecture de la jouissance, 1973.
- Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment, ed. Łukasz Stanek, trans. Robert Bononno, University of Minnesota Press, 2014, 190 pp, PDF, ARG. Publisher. [2] (English)
- La survie du capitalisme: la reproduction des rapports de production, Paris: Anthropos, 1973.
- The Survival of Capitalism, London: Allison and Busby, 1974. (English)
- Preživljavanje kapitalizma: reprodukcija proizvodnih odnosa, Svjetlost & Globus, 1982. (Serbo-Croatian)
- with Pierre Fougeyrollas, Le jeu de Kostas Axelos, Saint Clément de rivière: Fata Morgana, 1973, 99 pp. [3]
- La production de l'espace, Paris: Anthropos, 1974; 2nd ed., 1981; 3rd ed., 1986. Chapter 4. Expanded from essay "La production de l'espace", Homme et la société 31-32 (Jan-Jun 1974), pp 15-32, JPG.
- "An English Précis of Henri Lefebvre's La Production de l'Espace", trans. Rob Shields, Brighton: University of Sussex, 1988. Partial trans. (English)
- The Production of Space, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991, 454 pp, ARG. Trans. of 1st edition. (English)
- Le temps des meprises, Paris: Stock, 1975.
- Η Εποχή της Περιφρόνησης, trans. Λίλα Τρουλινού, Athens: Ύψιλον/βιβλία, 1989, PDF. (Greek)
- Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, ou le royaume des ombres, Paris/Tournai: Casterman, 1975.
- Χέγκελ - Μαρξ - Νίτσε, ή το βασίλειο των σκιών, Εκδόσεις Ράππα, 1976. (Greek)
- Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, or the Realm of Shadows, trans. David Fernbach, London: Verso, 2020, 240 pp. Publisher. (English)
- L'ideologie structuraliste, Paris: Seuil, 1975.
- De l'État, I: L'État dans le monde moderne, Paris: Union Generale d'Editions, 1976.
- De l'État, II: Theorie marxiste de l'État de Hegel a Mao, Paris: Union Generale d'Editions, 1976.
- Η Μαρξική Θεωρία του Κράτους, trans. Γεράσιμος Λυκιαρδόπουλος, 2nd ed., ΕΡΑΣΜΟΣ, 2009. (Greek)
- De l'État, III: Le mode de production etatique, Paris: Union Generale d'Editions, 1977.
- De l'État, IV: Les contradictions de l'État moderne; La dialectique et/de l'Etat, Paris: Union Generale d'Editions, 1978.
- with Catherine Regulier, La revolution n'est plus ce qu'elle etait, Paris: Editions Libres-Hallier, 1978.
- La presence et l'absence, Paris: Casterman, 1980.
- Une pensee devenue monde, Paris: Fayard, 1980.
- Critique de la vie quotidienne, III: De la modernité au modernisme (pour une metaphilosophie du quotidien), Paris: L'Arche, 1981.
- Critique of Everyday Life, 3: From Modernity to Modernism (Towards a Metaphilosophy of Daily Life), trans. Gregory Elliott, London: Verso, 2005; repr. in Lefebvre, Critique of Everyday Life: The One-Volume Edition, London: Verso, 2014. Publisher. (English)
- Qu'est-ce que penser?, Paris: Publisud, 1985.
- Le retour de la dialectique, douze mots clefs pour le monde moderne, Paris: Messidor/Editions Sociales, 1986.
- Lukács 1955, Paris: Aubier, 1986.
- Éléments de rythmanalyse: Introduction à la connaissance des rythmes, intro. René Lourau, Paris: Syllepse, 1992. Review: Guillerm (L'Homme et la société).
- Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time, and Everyday Life, trans. Stuart Elden and Gerald Moore, intro. Stuart Elden, Continuum, 2004, 112 pp, ARG. (English)
Selected works[edit]
- Writings on Cities, trans. & eds. E. Kofman and E. Lebas, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1996, ARG. (English)
- Key Writings, eds. Stuart Elden, Elizabeth Lebas, Eleonore Kofman, Continuum, 2003, PDF. (English)
- State, Space, World: Selected Essays, eds. Neil Brenner and Stuart Elden, trans. Gerald Moore, Neil Brenner, and Stuart Elden, University of Minnesota Press, 2009, 330 pp. (English)
- On the Rural: Economy, Sociology, Geography, University of Minnesota Press, 2022. A collection of previously untranslated writings on rural sociology. (English)
- Andy Merrifield, Henri Lefebvre: A Critical Introduction, forew. Herbert Muschamp, Routledge, 2006, 196 pp, ARG. (English)
- Kanishka Goonewardena, et al. (eds.), Space, Difference, Everyday Life: Reading Henri Lefebvre, Routledge, 2008.
- Sabine Bitter, Helmut Weber, Autogestion, or Henri Lefebvre in New Belgrade, Sternberg Press, 2009, 160 pp. (English)
- Łukasz Stanek, Henri Lefebvre on Space. Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory, University of Minnesota Press, 2011. [4] (English)
- Łukasz Stanek, Christian Schmid, Akos Moravánszky (eds.), Urban Revolution Now: Henri Lefebvre in Social Research and Architecture, Ashgate, 2014. [5] (English)
- The Right to the City: A Verso Report, ed. Verso Books, London: Verso, 2017. (English)
- Christian Schmid, Henri Lefebvre and the Theory of the Production of Space, London: Verso, 2022, 608 pp. Publisher. (English)
- Mathieu Dejean, "Henri Lefebvre: le dogmatisme à rebours", Mediapart, Aug 2023. [6]
- "Henri Lefebvre: Dogmatism in Reverse", trans. David Fernbach, Verso Blog, Mar 2024. (English)
- Rethinking Theory, Space and Production: Henri Lefebvre Today research project.
- Rhythm of Capitalism: Reading Henri Lefebvre's Rhythmanalysis, a blog by students of new media at U Amsterdam.