Ferdinand de Saussure
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Born |
November 26, 1857 Geneva, Switzerland |
Died |
February 22, 1913 Geneva, Switzerland | (aged 55)
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Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) was a Swiss linguist and semiotician whose ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments both in linguistics and semiotics.
Works are in French unless otherwise stated. Green and blue links point to digital versions of publications available on Monoskop or other digital libraries (sometimes using abbreviations). |
- Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes [Dissertation on the Primitive Vowel System in Indo-European Languages], Leipzig: Teubner, 1879, 303 pp, BnF, IA, PDF, ARG; repr., Paris, 1887; repr. in Recueil, 1922, pp 1-268 and 637-638; repr., Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1968. [1]
- Saggio sul vocalismo indoeuropeo, intro., trans. & ed. Giuseppe Carlo Vincenzi, Bologna: Libreria Universitaria, 1978. (Italian)
- De l'emploi du génitif absolu en Sanscrit [On the Use of the Genitive Absolute in Sanskrit], Geneva: Jules-Guillaume Fick, 1881, 112 pp, IA, ARG. Doctoral dissertation presented to the Faculty of Philosophy of the Leipzig University.
Collected writings and notes of his students[edit]
- Cours de linguistique générale, eds. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye with Albert Reidlinger, Lausanne and Paris: Payot, 1916; 2nd ed., upd., 1922; 3rd ed., upd., 1931; following editions conform to the 3rd ed. Three courses of lectures delivered in Geneva between 1907 and 1911 and collected by his students. [2]
- Gengogaku genron, 1928. (Japanese)
- Grundfragen der Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft, trans. Herman Lommel, Berlin and Leipzig, 1931; 2nd ed., Gruyter, 1967, 294 pp; 2001, 347 pp. (German)
- Kurs obshchei lingvistiki, 1933. (Russian)
- Curso de lingística general, trans. Amado Alonso, 1945, PDF; Alianza, 1987. (Spanish)
- Course in General Linguistics, trans. Wade Baskin, New York: Philosophical Library, 1959, 240 pp, IA, [3]; intro. Jonathan Culler, London: Peter Owen, 1974; Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, 1977. (English)
- Kurs językoznawstwa ogólnego, trans. Krystyna Kasprzyk, intro. Witold Doroszewski, Warsaw, 1961; 2nd ed., intro. & notes Kazimierz Polański, 1991; 2002. (Polish)
- Bevezetés az általános nyelvészetbe, 1967. (Hungarian)
- Cours de linguistique générale, 2 vols., ed. Rudolf Engler, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1968/74, 515 and 67 pp; repr., 1989/90. Critical edition.
- Corso di linguistica generale, trans., intro. & comm. Tullio de Mauro, Roma and Bari: Laterza, 1967; 2009. (Italian)
- Ferdinand de Sosir, Opšta lingvistika, trans. Sreten Marić, Belgrade: Nolit, 1969. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Kurs i allmän lingvistik, 1970. (Swedish)
- Curso de lingüística geral, trans. Antônio Chelini, José Paulo Paez and Izidoro Blikstein, intro. Isaac Nicolau Salum, São Paulo: Cultrix, 1971; 27th ed., 2006, PDF, Scribd. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cours de linguistique générale. Edition critique, ed. & comm. Tullio de Mauro, Paris: Payot, 1972; 1997, PDF. Critical edition. Italian commentary trans. Louis-Jean Calvet.
- Ippan Gengogaku kogi, 1972. (Japanese)
- Giáo trinh Ngôn ngu hoc Dai cu'o'ng, 1973. (Vietnamese)
- Ilpan enehak kangti, 1975. (Korean)
- Genel dilbilim dersleri, trans. Berke Vardar, Ankara, 1976. (Turkish)
- Ippan gengogaku kógi, 1976. (Japanese). Based on de Mauro's edition.
- Ferdinand de Sossyur (Фердинанд де Соссюр), Trudy po yazykoznaniyu [Труды по языкознанию], trans. A.A. Cholodovich (А.А. Холодович), Moscow: Progress, 1977, 696 pp. (Russian)
- Albanian trans., 1977.
- Mathimata genikis glossologias [Μαθήματα γενικής γλωσσολογίας], trans. Φ. Δ. Αποστολόπουλου, Athens: Papazisis, 1979. (Greek)
- Putong Yuánxúe Jiachéng, 1980. (Chinese)
- Curso de lingüística general, Mauro Armiño, Barcelona: Akal, 1980; Akal, 1989; Planeta-De Agostini, 1992. (Spanish)
- Course in General Linguistics, trans. & annot. Roy Harris, London: Duckworth, 1983; La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1998, 236 pp; Bloomsbury, 2013, ARG. (English). Of the 2nd edition.
- Lithuanian trans., 1983.
- Arabic trans., 1985.
- Kurs obecné lingvistiky, trans. František Čermák, 1989. (Czech)
- Curs de Lingüista general, trans. Joaquim Viaplana and Joan Casas, Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1990. (Catalan)
- Ferdinand de Sossyur (Фердинанд де Соссюр), Zametki po obshchey lingvistike [Заметки по общей лингвистике], trans. B.P. Narumov, ed. N.A. Sliusarevoi, Moscow: Progress, 1990, 274 pp; 2001. (Russian)
- Korean trans., 1990.
- Bulgarian trans., 1992.
- Predavanja iz splošnega jezikoslovja, trans. Boštjan Turk, Ljubljana: ISH, 1997, PDF. (Slovenian)
- Ukrainian trans., 1998.
- Hizkuntzalaritza orokorreko ikastaroa, Bilbo: Klasikoak, 1998. (Basque)
- Tečaj opće lingvistike, trans. Vojmir Vinja, intro. August Kovačec, Zagreb: ArTresor naklada and Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 2000. [4] (Croatian)
- Ferdinand de Sossyur (Фердинанд де Соссюр), Kurs obshchey lingvistiki [Курс общей лингвистики], trans. A.M. Sukhotin (А.М. Сухотина), Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2004, 256 pp. (Russian)
- Cours de linguistique générale, intro., notes, comm. & ed. Peter Wunderli, Tübingen: Narr, 2013. (French)/(German)
- Recueil des publications scientifiques, eds. Charles Bally and Léopold Gautier, Lausanne and Geneva: Payot, 1922, 641 pp, PDF.
- Introduction au deuxième cours de linguistique générale (1908-1909), ed. Robert Godel, Geneva: Droz, 1957.
- Introduzione al secondo corso di linguistica generale (1908-1909), ed. Raffaele Simone, Rome: Astrolabio Ubaldini, 1970. (Italian)
- Gengogaku josetsu, 1971. (Japanese)
- Fuentes manuscritas y estudios críticos, ed. Ana María Nethol, XXI Editores, 1971; 1985, PDF. (Spanish)
- Troisième Cours de linguistique générale (1910–1911): d'après les cahiers d'Emile Constantin/Third Course in General Linguistics (1910–1911): From the Notebooks of Emile Constantin, eds. & trans. E. Komatsu and R. Harris, Oxford: Pergamon, 1993, 373 pp. Extracts, MIA. Review. Notes taken by Saussure's student found after WWII, first published in their entirety. (French)/(English)
- "Les manuscrits saussuriens de Harvard", ed. Herman Parret, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 47 (1993), pp 179-234. [5]
- Manoscritti di Harvard, ed. Raffaella Petrilli, Roma and Bari: Laterza, 1994. (Italian)
- Phonétique: Il manoscritto di Harvard Houghton Library bMS Fr 266 (8), ed. & trans. Maria Pia Marchese, Padova: Unipress, 1995, 241 pp. Unfinished book manuscript. (French)/(Italian)
- Premier Cours de linguistique générale (1907): d'après les cahiers d'Albert Riedlinger/First Course in General Linguistics (1907): From the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger, eds. & trans. E. Komatsu and R. Harris, Oxford: Pergamon, 1996. (French)/(English)
- Deuixième Cours de linguistique générale (1908–1909): d'après les cahiers d'Albert Riedlinger et Charles Patois/Second Course in General Linguistics (1908–1909): From the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger and Charles Patois, eds. & trans. E. Komatsu and R. Harris, Oxford: Pergamon, 1997. (French)/(English)
- Écrits de linguistique générale, eds. Simon Bouquet and Rudolf Engler with Antoinette Weil, Paris: Gallimard, 2002, 345 pp. Contains transcription of the Orangery Manuscripts (primarily the work "De l'essence double du language"), the documents found in 1996 in the Orangery of the Saussure family home in Geneva and deposited at the public library of the University of Geneva. PDF.
- Wissenschaft der Sprache - Neue Texte aus dem Nachlaß, trans. Elisabeth Birk and Mareike Buss, ed. & intro. Ludwig Jäger, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2003, 208 pp. [6] (German)
- Scrieri de lingvistică generală, trans. Luminiţa Botoşineanu, Iași: Polirom, 2003, PDF, IA, ARG. (Romanian)
- Escritos sobre lingüística general, Gedisa, 2004. (Spanish)
- Szkice z językoznawstwa ogólnego, trans., intro. & comm. Magdalena Danielewiczowa, Warsaw, 2004. (Polish)
- Scritti inediti di linguistica generale, trans., intro. & comm. Tullio de Mauro, Roma and Bari: Laterza, 2005. (Italian)
- Writings in General Linguistics, trans. & intro. Carl Sanders, Oxford University Press, 2006, 368 pp, [7]. Includes the Orangery Manuscripts (primarily "On the dual essence of language") and notes from Engler's edition of 1968/74. (English)
- Linguistik und Semiologie - Notizen aus dem Nachlaß. Texte, Briefe und Dokumente, ed., intro. & trans. Johannes Fehr, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2003, 606 pp. [8] (German)
- Ivan Callus, "A Chronological and Annotated Bibliography of Works Referring to Ferdinand de Saussure's Anagram Notebooks", Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 55 (2002), pp 269-295. [9] (English)
- On EGS.
- "Lettres de Ferdinand de Saussure à Giovanni Pascoli", ed. Giuseppe Nava, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 24 (1968), pp 73-81. [10]
- "Lettres de Ferdinand de Saussure à J. Baudouin de Courtenay", ed. N. A. Sljusareva, Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 27 (1970-72), pp 7-17. [11]
- Mélanges de linguistique offerts à m. Ferdinand de Saussure, Paris: Honoré Champion, 1908, 325 pp, IA, ARG.
- Louis Hjelmslev, Omkring Sprogteoriens Grundlæggelse, 1943. (Danish)
- Prolegomena to a Theory of Language, trans. Francis Whitfield, 1961. (English)
- Robert Godel, Les sources manuscrites du Cours de linguistique générale de F. de Saussure, Geneva: Droz, and Paris: Minard, 1957, 284 pp; 1969.
- Giorgio Derossi, Segno e struttura linguistici nel pensiero di F. de Saussure, Udine: Del Bianco, 1965. (Italian)
- Jacques Derrida, De la grammatologie, Paris: Minuit, 1967.
- Jonathan Culler, Saussure, Glasgow: Fontana, 1967, 127 pp; new ed. as Ferdinand de Saussure, New York: Penguin, 1977, OL. (English)
- Lexique de la terminologie saussurienne, Comité international permanent des linguistes, Utrecht and Antwerp: Spectrum, 1968, 57 pp.
- Jean Starobinski, Les mots sous les mots: Les anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure, Paris: Gallimard, 1971, 160 pp, PDF, ARG.
- Words upon Words: The Anagrams of Ferdinand de Saussure, trans. Olivia Emmett, Yale University Press, 1979, [12]. (English)
- E.F.K. Koerner, Ferdinand de Saussure: The Origin and Development of His Linguistic Thought in Western Studies of Language, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1973. (English)
- Génesis y evolución de su pensamiento en le marco de la lingüística occidental, Madrid: Gredos, 1982. (Spanish)
- Françoise Gadet, Saussure, une science de la langue, Paris: PUF, 1987.
- Roy Harris, Reading Saussure, 1987. (English)
- Roy Harris, Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein. How to Play Games with Words, London: Duckworth, 1987; Routledge, 1988, PDF. (English)
- David Holdcroft, Saussure: Signs, System and Arbitrariness, Cambrigde University Press, 1991. (English)
- Massimo Prampolini, Ferdinand de Saussure, Rome: Meltemi, 1994; 2006. (Italian)
- Simon Bouquet, Introduction à la lecture de Saussure, Paris: Payot, 1997, 396 pp.
- Introdução à leitura de Saussure, São Paulo: Cultrix, 2000, 317 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Claudine Normand, Ferdinand de Saussure - Critique et Interprétation, Les Belles Lettres, 2000.
- Simon Bouquet (ed.), Saussure, Paris-Genève, 2000. Proceedings of the conference held in Paris, November 1998.
- Sémir Badir, Saussure: la langue et sa représentation, Paris: Harmattan, 2001.
- Arild Utaker, La Philosophie du langage, Une archéologie saussurienne, Paris: PUF, 2002.
- Simon Bouquet, J. Fehr (eds.), Ferdinand de Saussure et l’interdisciplinarité des sciences du langage, 2001. Proceedings of the conference held in Zurich, November 1999.
- Simon Bouquet (ed.), Saussure, Paris: Herne, 2002, 500 pp.
- Roy Harris, Saussure and His Interpreters, 2nd ed., 2003. (English)
- Carol Sanders (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Saussure, Oxford University Press, 2004. (English)
- Simon Bouquet, P. Sériot (eds.), Réceptions de la pensée saussurienne au XX° siècle, 2004.
- Arrivé Michel, À la recherche de Ferdinand de Saussure, Paris: PUF, 2007.
- Arrivé Michel, Du côté de chez Saussure, Lambert-Lucas, 2008.
- Claudia Mejia Quijano, Le cours d'une vie. Portrait diachronique de Ferdinand de Saussure, 2 vols., Cécile Défaut, 2008/2011.
- Д. Веселинов, Българските студенти на Фердинанд дьо Сосюр [The Bulgarian Students of Ferdinand de Saussure], Sofia University Press, 2008, 400 pp. (Bulgarian)
- Dimitar Vessélinov, Les étudiants bulgares de Ferdinand de Saussure, Sofia: SIELA, 2008, 400 pp.
- Ludwig Jäger, Ferdinand de Saussure zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius, 2010. (German)
- Federico Bravo, Anagrammes. Sur une hypothèse de Ferdinand de Saussure, Lambert-Lucas, 2011, 280 pp.
- Sandrine Bédouret-Larraburu, Gisèle Prignitz (eds.), En quoi Saussure peut-il nous aider à penser la littérature?, Presses Universitaires de Pau, 2012. Essays by Michel Arrivé, Gérard Dessons, Pierre-Yves Testenoire, Francis Gandon, Daniel Delas, Jaeryong cho, Serge martin, Chloé Laplantine, Laurent Mourey, and Jean-Gérard Lapacherie.
- John E. Joseph, Saussure, Oxford University Press, 2012. (English)
- Boris Gasparov, Beyond Pure Reason: Ferdinand de Saussure's Philosophy of Language and Its Early Romantic Antecedents, Columbia University Press, 2013. (English)
- John Joseph (ed.), Ferdinand de Saussure, Routledge, 2013, 1520 pp. [13] (English)
- Herman Parret, Le son et l'oreille: Six essais sur les manuscrits saussuriens de Harvard, Lambert-Lucas, 2014.
- More writings on Saussure on IFS. (HTML)
- Lucien Sfez, "Ferdinand de SAUSSURE", in Dictionnaire critique de la communication, Paris: PUF, 1993, HTML.
- Ronald Schleifer, "Saussure, Ferdinand de", in The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 1997, HTML. (English)
- "Théorie et critique d’un principe saussurien: l’arbitraire du signe", C.F.S. 19 (1962), pp 5-66.
- E.F.K. Koerner, Bibliographia Saussureana, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1972.
- "Bibliographie saussurienne", 5 parts, C.F.S. 30, 31, 33, 40, 43 (1976-89).
- Bibliographie saussurienne de Rudolf Engler, ed. Simon Bouquet, 2004. Bouquet's writings on Saussure.