Erika Katalina Pasztor
Artist-entrepreneur building up concepts, projects, teams and organisations alongside multidisciplinary creative work related to social and communication issues. She is a cyber-knitter connecting thoughts, people and methods using new technologies. Studying several genres like architecture, visual and business communication as well as intermedia art; her artistic research focused on revealing new methods to represent abstract interconnections and processes. Her works were shown several collective exhibitions and festivals across Europe. She owned Rubik Scholarship (1989), George Soros Scholarship (1999), EMARE European Media Arts Scholarship (1998, 2000), with her Gate video installation she won the SUB VOCE (Palace of Exhibition, Budapest, 1991), international media art exhibition’s 2nd prize. In 2006 she won the first prize of the Art Universitas programme’s art competition with a large scale data-visualization wall design. She is one of the founder (2000) of online cultural news - now market leader - site about contemporary architecture, urban and visual culture. Senior lecturer of media art and design at Media Design MOME Budapest. She currently works as an independent artist and as an art & architecture related journalist. Lives in Budapest.