Promoted as "the world's first labyrinth-style Cinematic System," made for the Gas Pavillion at Expo '90 in Osaka (and directed by Radúz Činčera). Everyone began in a single large theater sitting on the floor. At the front on each side of the screen was a door. After the first scene was played out, the audience was asked to chose one of two options by walking through one of the two doors. The story was an ecology yarn about kids trying to save a grand old tree from greedy developers. After seeing several scenes and making several choices, enough to totally lose one's sense of direction inside the pavillion, one watches the final scene, where the children successfully save the tree.
At the moment when the kids shout "we did it!" the screen in front raises up to reveal a full-size replica of the tree used in the film. Simultaneously, three other screens on the other three sides of the tree rise up, revealing four theaters with everyone who began in the first room, now all facing each other. The gag was that no matter which options were chosen, the kids successfully saved the tree. It was as manipulative as the first Czech piece made 23 years earlier, Kinoautomat, but this time they made it transparent. The effect of realizing everyone "won" and now were all in the same room together was really very powerful.