Étienne Souriau

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Étienne Souriau (26 April 1892, Lille – 19 November 1979, Paris) was a French philosopher, best known for his work in aesthetics and filmology.

Souriau was Professor at the University of Aix-en-Provence (1925-29), then in Lyon, and from 1941 at Sorbonne. In 1948, together with Charles Lalo and Raymond Bayer he founded the journal Revue d'esthétique. [1]

Only a few of his texts were translated into English, including "Time in the Plastic Arts" (1949), "The Cube and the Sphere" (1952), and "A General Methodology for the Scientific Study of Aesthetic Appreciation" (1955). The most extensive English-language introductions to his work to date are Vitry Maubrey 1985 and Latour 2011. 2015 saw the first translation of his The Different Modes of Existence.


(in French unless noted otherwise)


Les différents modes d'existence, 1943/2009, Log.
  • Pensée vivante et perfection formelle, Paris: Hachette, 1925, xv+308 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1952. Principal doctoral thesis. Review: Pialat (1927).
  • L'abstraction sentimentale, Paris: Hachette, 1925, v+144 pp; new ed., Paris: PUF, 1951. Secondary doctoral thesis. Review: Pialat (1927).
  • L'avenir de l'esthétique: essai sur l'objet d'une science naissante, Paris: Alcan, 1929, viii+403 pp. Review: Couissin (1929).
    • [The Future of Aesthetics], trans. Celesta Pirwitz, 1976. Unpublished typescript. [2] (English)
    • partial trans. in I percorsi delle forme, Milan: B. Mondadori, 1997, pp 156-165 & 388-394. (Italian)
  • Avoir une âme, Paris: Belles-Lettres, 1939.
  • L'instauration philosophique, Paris: PUF, 1939.
  • Les différents modes d'existence, Paris: Alcan, 1943, 166 pp; new ed., intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, Paris: PUF, 2009, 220 pp.
    • Die verschiedenen Modi der Existenz, intro. Isabelle Stengers and Bruno Latour, trans. Thomas Wäckerle, Lüneburg: meson press, 2015, 224 pp. [3] (German)
    • The Different Modes of Existence, trans. Erik Beranek and Tim Howles, Minneapolis: Univocal, 2015, 240 pp. (English)
    • I differenti modi di esistenza: e altri testi sull'ontologia dell'arte, trans. Filippo Domenicali, Milan: Mimesis, 2017, 298 pp. (Italian)
    • Los diferentes modos de existencia: seguido por Del modo de existencia de la obra por hacer, trans. Sebastián Puente, Buenos Aires: Cactus, 2017, 251 pp. Excerpt. (Spanish)
  • with Charles Lalo and P. Le Goupils, Esthétique industrielle, Paris: PUF, 1952, 190 pp. Consists of articles from Revue d'esthétique, Jul-Dec 1951.
  • editor, L'univers filmique, Paris: Flammarion, 1953, 210 pp. Anthology of texts from the filmology movement. Excerpt.
  • Le sens artistique des animaux, Paris: Hachette, 1965.
    • Il senso artistico degli animali, trans. M. Porro, Milan: Mimesis, 2002, 71 pp. (Italian)
  • La Poésie française et la peinture, London: Athlone Press, 1966, 52 pp. Lecture.
  • Clefs pour l'esthétique, Paris: Seghers, 1970.
  • La couronne d'herbes. Esquisse d'une morale sur des bases purement esthétiques, Paris: U.G.E., 1975.
  • L'avenir de la philosophie, Paris: Gallimard, 1982.
  • Vocabulaire d'esthétique, ed. Anne Souriau, Paris: PUF, 1990, vi+1415 pp; 2nd ed., Paris: PUF, 2004, viii+1415 pp; 3rd ed., 2010, 1493 pp. Review: Gravel (1991), Pascale (1993).
    • Encyklopedie estetiky, trans. Zdeněk Hrbata et al., intro. Anne Souriauová, Prague: Victoria Publishing, 1994, 939 pp. (Czech)
    • Diccionario Akal de estética, trans. Ismael Grasa Adé et al., rev. Fernando Castro Flórez, Madrid: Akal, 1998, 1087 pp. [4] (Spanish)
  • Das filmische Universum. Schriften zur Ästhetik des Kinos, ed. & trans. Guido Kirsten, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2020, vi+181 pp. Selected essays. (German)
Courses at Sorbonne
  • Les grandes problèmes de l’esthétique théâtrale, Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 101 pp.
    • I grandi problemi dell'estetica teatrale: dattiloscritto per la serie I corsi della Sorbona: Estetica, Centre de Documentation Universitaire, ed. Chiara Cappelletto, Milan: Mimesis, 2014, 148 pp. (Italian)
  • Les structures de l’œuvre d’art, Paris: C.D.U., 1956, 109 pp.
  • La condition humaine vue à travers l’art, Paris: C.D.U., 1962?.
  • L'évolution du besoin esthétique à travers les ages [1960-61], Paris: C.D.U., 1964, 107 pp.
  • Les catégories esthétiques, Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 107 pp.
  • Les structures maîtresses de l'oeuvre d'art, Paris: C.D.U., 1966, 109 pp.

Selected articles[edit]



See also[edit]
