Ákos Maróy
Born 1973. Conducted Ph.D. studies about artificial intelligence, artificial life and agent architectures. Is a regular participant and lecturer at workshops and conferences. Member and founder of several non-profit and commercial initiatives, spread between commercial-grade and open source software engineering, artificial life and emergent systems research, media- and bio-art projects and community radios. Founder and former member of Nextlab, an open lab for new media in Budapest (*2004). Former member and board member of Tilos Rádió, a community radio station in Budapest. Founder and former member of the Emergent Systems Research Institute in Budapest. Founder and CTO at EU Edge LLC, an outsourced software development company catering mainly to US customers from Budapest. Member of the double Negatives Architecture group, Tokyo, working on the generative architecture project called Corpora. Founder and organizer of the Budapest New Technology Meetup, a monthly gathering of new-tech enthusiasts in Budapest. Founder and vice president of the Open Standards Alliance, an organization aiming to promote interoperabilty in the IT industry. Lives in Budapest.
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